About My Lovely Assistant


Like our tagline says, we're dedicated to bringing blatant honesty in a world of deception. We've all had it happen where we saw a cool flashy trailer of some magic trick that we thought would be the perfect thing we needed. Then we spend our hard-earned cash on it only to find out that it's not all it that it claimed it was. Maybe they fudged the ad trailer a little. Maybe they overhyped the written ad copy. Whatever it is, you're the victim of their lies.

Our hope is that you'll watch / read an ad, like the product (as presented in the ad), and come to us to see if the ad is telling the truth. That's it. Hopefully we'll earn your trust and save you some bucks.

How it All Started

When I asked Roz, the creator of My Lovely Assistant, how it all came to be, here's what she had to say:

There are many things that caused me to create a website for magic, but if I had to choose a single thing among them all, it'd have to be the classic 80's movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial about an alien that was lost and alone in this unfamiliar world, just like me. The movie was popular when I crash-landed on Earth, and I only had a translator to be able to communicate with the world I'd accidentally trapped myself on.

I needed to find a way to relate, to better my communication, since it seemed I would be here a while. So, I watched a few movies. Then I discovered E.T., and that was when I came to find a way to relate with the world, a way to express this inner voice that I couldn’t quite explain before.

Sometime in the 90's I came across the icon sitcom, Seinfeld. Jerry made a joke about a magician making a coin dissapear. Although the joke was meant to paint magicians in a negative light, it fascinated me that people existed who could make things vanish!

For a while after the Seinfeld episode introduced her to the concept of magicians, Roz started to dress like a magician's assistant herself. She adores the assistants, perhaps even more than the magicians themselves. For some time, she worked as one and wanted to start her own clothing line by the same name as her current website -- or "MLA" for short -- but her calling changed when the magician she worked with would complain about the quality of products and tricks he was fooled into believing were great but were actually either mediocre or terrible.

A couple years later, the magician she worked for quit the industry and she was left jobless, though not for too long. Two or three magicians later, Roz was made acutely aware that the issue with falsifying magic reviews was a common complaint in the industry. This was when her goal for her future on Earth completely shifted.

She no longer focused so much on the beautiful designs she'd drawn up for the lovely assistants and instead started to keep an eye on the magic itself: Which tricks worked? Which tended to fail? Which were underwhelming? Which left crickets chirping?

At first, Roz planned to make an honest review site to run by her lonesome, but as time marched on, she became more and more aware of like-minded individuals, seeking the opportunity to call out overzealous and falsified reviews and bring to light great but buried and underrated tricks.

It was happenstance that she met Bryce Kuhlman and Tracy Atteberry (that's a story for another day). The dynamic duo, Bryce, and Tracy along with Roz came together to create the site she so lovingly named after her true love: My Lovely Assistant.