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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Elite CardGuard


(Based on 1 review)
Sleek and classy with a beautiful design. The Elite Card Guard is made from durable aluminum and offers the best protection for your cards.

Dimensions Approximately 2.75" x 4.07" x 0.85" (7cm x 10cm x 2cm)


Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Dec 14, 2007

The word “cheap” doesn't even come close to describing this item.

This thing wouldn't guard against a three-year-old.

Just for grins, I tried crushing the entire unit in my hand. I wasn't quite able to do it, but I came close (more Hsing-I training for me). I could easily bend any individual piece of the case with one hand. Seriously, my 100lb wife tore it to pieces with her bare hands.

To add insult to injury, the black finish shows fingerprints better than a police fingerprint kit.

If you want to guard your cards, you'd be better off just using the cardboard case.
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