The Floating Key Card...Plus! by Simon Lovell Kaymar Magic - Trick
Kaymar Magic Company UK
Imagine spreading a shuffled deck face down on the table, and having the spectator slide a card halfway out of the spread.
They peek it by bending the corner up, they slide it straight back, and then square everything up. They cut the pack if they like, and hand it back to you. You find their card every time!
Or, they choose any card from the deck, cut it into the middle, and then shuffle in any fashion they like. You can still find their selection!
Simon talks you through the basic principles, his embellished work on them, and then how to combine them all into a KILLER combination. He also covers contingencies and how to make the most of flukes.
Strongly recommended - I only wish I'd seen this in action before reading about it, so I could have been totally fooled!
The booklet is A5, with photos and 12 pages of text.