
Dani Daortiz

Penguin Magic

(Based on 1 review)
Imagination is the strongest force in the universe, and Dani DaOrtiz has created a STUNNING demonstration of its raw power.

Using just a deck of cards you explain that imagination is more powerful than reality. If a card appears to be red, one can simply imagine it to be black. And if it appears black, one can simply imagine it red.

AS YOUR AUDIENCE DECIDES, you deal each card FACE-UP, into one of two piles. A "red" pile and a "black" pile (the reality is, both piles are a mixture of red and black cards, but we are only interested in our IMAGINATION!)

THE MIRACLE ENDING shocks everyone.

When you spread the piles out again, IMAGINATION HAS BECOME REALITY. The two piles are perfectly separated by color.

Flashback is EASY to do, yet looks IMPOSSIBLE. With very little practice, you'll be demonstrating the awesome power of imagination. Comes with everything that you need to amaze.


Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Apr 03, 2015


This is a very powerful out of this world type effect. The DVD is well taught and the routine is solid.


This uses a gimmicked deck, but he also teaches another OOTW routine with a regular deck so you can switch the decks and do the routine again.

The effect apparently was not packaged correctly. It comes with four blank back cards and is missing a couple regular cards. I don’t see this as a big deal. Take a couple regular cards from another deck. If you do any card magic at all, it won’t kill you to have a deck of spare cards.


There are so many great OOTW effects with ungimmicked decks that with just a bit of practice, you could master.
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