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Magic By Design: Study, Practice, & Presentation

John Carney


(Based on 1 review)
Magic By Design
Study, Practice and Presentation The real secrets of how to advance in your magic

Included are chapters on:
Approach to Study
Setting an Ideal
Problem Solving
Critiquing your own work
Video vs. Books
Creating and selecting new material
Different types of practice
Tips on gettigng the most from your practice
Routining and Presentation
Creating a character
Plot and Presentation
Writing Scripts

We have always been told the secret to good magic is "practice, practice, practice." But how to get the most out of our practice? How to choose what is worth practicing? How do we shape presentations that will reap the most reward in appreciation from our audience?

Magic by Design is a workbook that answers these questions and more, all in one place.

Here is Carney's method for analyzing everything he considers adding to his repertoire. Offered here is inspiration and encouragement fro beginner, and even the advanced, who are looking for a fresh perspective.

This 90 page paperback contains no tricks, just the real secrets of how to advance in your magic.


Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Jan 23, 2013

I’ve read all the ‘modern’ theory books I could get my hands on since I was 16. It all started with Eugene Burger’s “Secrets & Mysteries of the Close Up Entertainer.” I then moved on to the famous, “Strong Magic” by Darwin Ortiz. I liked “Strong Magic” but felt it was a little heavy handed, and while some of it was practical, much of it was presented as “gospel” rather than one man’s opinion. But since no other books really covered all of the main subjects that “Strong Magic” covered, it was what I recommended to anyone wanting to begin their journey into magic theory.

Until now.

John Carney’s “Magic By Design” is a FANTASTIC theory book that cuts all the BS, and just gets to the point. It covers all the major points in magic from scripting, to character, to practice, and does so in such a simplicity of writing it astounds me. There are no unnecessary words in this book. It is a much faster read than “Strong Magic” and it asks more of the reader, rather than just ‘take the authors word for it.’

Carney encourages us to go out and make these discoveries for ourselves. He admits that there are no short cuts. We need to put the work in, and no one can do that for us! He removes all the pseudo religious crap about ‘creating a character’ and ‘true art’ and gives it to us straight.

The book itself is 100 pages, and it packs TONS onto those pages. The writing is clearer than clear. It is soft cover, and the illustrations and design are top notch.

The final thing that differentiates Carney from other ‘theorists’ is that he practices what he preaches. I saw his 75 minute show for a sold out crowd of laymen in Galena, IL. He was funny, his magic was strong, his sleights were invisible, his various characters were not ‘caricatures,’ and the audience was laughing and gasping during the full show which concluded with a standing ovation!

I immediately bought this book after seeing the show, and was fascinated to learn about the process behind the show I had just seen. The book made me feel like a beginner again, rediscovering things like different ways to practice, and work on comedy. There are even ‘Study Homework’ sections that give you real exercises to take part in, and get results from.

As Carney states, no book on theory can make you a better magician. You have to take the action yourself. It’s simple: Every magician should read this. I especially recommend this as the PERFECT book to beginners who want to get clear, usable ‘theory’ that will show them how to become better magicians.

Five Stars on Every Level!
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