Burn Notice


Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.

(Based on 2 reviews)
"This is the most organic and most believable Mystery Box version I have ever seen..."
- Titanas

The Mystery Box has always been one of magic's most baffling plots and one of the most unexplainable crescendos to a routine. A signed card that appears inside an object that has been in full view the whole time has delighted audiences for decades. Many times these objects are props that you don't see every day, and can look suspicious.

In his debut release with Murphy's Magic, Takel has brought us Burn Notice. Burn Notice takes the strongest elements of the mystery box and blends them with an organic every day object that everyone is familiar with: a simple match box. Place the matchbox in their hand and watch their eyes light up in disbelief as their card vanishes from the deck, only to be seen again when you slowly open the matchbox to reveal their signed card inside.

The simple operation of the gimmick makes the retention of vision unmistakable, with the matchbox ending super clean and it easily resets in two seconds. Now, you can perform your favorite mystery box plot with a small, powerful gimmick that rides in your pocket wherever you go.

What you'll get:

- Burn Notice gimmick
- Online video instructions covering performance, handling, maintenance and tips
- Gimmick repair materials

What you'll learn:

- The basic signed card to impossible location routine
- Plus additional ideas and handlings that are not only limited to playing cards but money, predictions, business cards etc.
- Learn how to customize and/or repair your Burn Notice gimmick
- Simple, effective and easy version of the Mercury Card Fold
- Handlings without the need for the card fold

This could be the end of you quest for the best Mystery Box ever, so get Burn Notice today!


James Sanden

Official Reviewer

Jun 15, 2022

“Card to Impossible Location” is a plot near and dear to magicians. In recent years an increasing number of organic options have been released, including “Burn Notice” by Takel, in which the folded card appears in a matchbox.

A matchbox is an excellent destination as it is the correct size for a folded playing card, can be organically introduced (avoiding telegraphing that it will be the location of the climax,) all while remaining an interesting object. For $25 you receive a gimmicked matchbox, along with materials to repair the gimmick, or with which you can alter it so that instead of a card appearing, a billet or bill appears instead. Included is a link to a 12 minute tutorial video that covers the basic workings, as well as a few additional ideas, including the idea of scoring the card to ensure the folds you make are neat. (If you don’t already do this, start immediately. It makes a tremendous difference.) Unusually, everything is taught in mime with no speaking of any kind. There is minimal use of text to clarify and more detail would have made the instruction clearer, especially when teaching something like a sleight of hand card fold. That being said, the construction, mechanics and use of the box can be essentially understood from the tutorial.

There is one glaring flaw in the teaching, which is that instead of using a shuttle pass type action to apparently remove the card from the box, the performer displays the folded card in the box, covers it with their hand (to hide the movement of the gimmick and to introduce the palmed card into the box.) The hand is then moved away to display the card (again,) before taking the card out of the box. This sequence of moves is unmotivated and unnatural. In working with the box I found a basic shuttle pass type action works just fine, so I really have no idea why Takel uses the approach he does, other than my suspicions that this was not an idea refined over countless performances, but invented for the purpose of selling to magicians. There is nothing inherently wrong with creating for the purpose of selling, except that it leaves more work for the purchaser than necessary. There’s already enough effort required to make a routine fit your approach, work in your hands and accomplish your performance goals. Having to solve problems that should have been solved by the creator is a frustrating addition to that process.

I should also say the gimmick in my box broke almost immediately. To be honest, I don’t think it’s because of a faulty design, but because (I’m guessing) the elastic needed to be gently stretched before use (which the instructions don’t mention.) Based on the tutorial, repair seems to be easy, so I don’t think it’s actually a problem. But it is good to know the method uses elastic, which does always have the potential to break.

In purchasing a gimmick like this, an important question to ask is: do you care if you can show the box empty after dumping out the card? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. For the transparent boxes on the market, there needs to be a way to show the box empty or the method won’t be deceptive. But for opaque containers, arguments can be made for both sides. Further, the manner in which the routine is performed affects the amount of heat on the container after the card has been dumped out. The point is, not all methods are created equal and some are better suited to a given approach than others, depending on the way in which they are used and presented.

Most gimmicked methods that allow the performer to show the container empty after dumping out the card are far more expensive than “Burn Notice,” so in that respect you are getting a deal, though its reliance on elastic is something to keep in mind. And of course, if you like the idea of having the card appear in a matchbox, then this is right up your alley. But before purchasing, I would do some research and look into some of the many other organic destinations on the market, including Alibi by Mark Mason and Kaan Akdogan, Fob by David Penn, The Jar by Garrett Thomas, Mint Box by Daniel Garcia, and my favorite (and the one I use) Toibox Card to Box System by Jonathan Kamm. Spending a little extra (or being willing to do a little additional sleight of hand) in order to make a method more reliable or flexible may be worth it.
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Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Jan 13, 2017


You get a gimmicked matchbox in a very nice box, extra material to fix your gimmick or make your own additional gimmick, and download instruction.


The gimmick is clever. It is well made, and should last a fairly long time. It won’t last forever, but you can repair or replace it yourself. It comes ready to perform, so there isn’t any DIY required.

The method is pretty good. There are a lot of card to impossible location effects on the market, and even some really good card to matchbox effects. What makes this different is that with most card to box effects, you are dumping the card from the box into your hand. With this one, you can dump the card from the box into your hand, or you can appear to just grab the card right from the box. The gimmick is clever.

The effect can be performed surrounded. There is really no bad angle, depending upon how you perform this.

The ad is fair and honest. If you like the trailer, then you will like this product. You will need to practice this to make it look magical, no different than most any magic.


I really don’t see any big negatives with this. There are so many card to impossible location effects, and there are a few other really good card to matchbox effects. They all have their positives and negatives. I would say that the downside to this compared to some other card to matchbox effects is this isn’t an instant reset. It resets very easily and very quickly, but you can’t reset in front of the audience. You will need around five seconds away from your audience to reset. On the other hand, with this one you can literally grab the card that is in the box and appear to take it right out and hand it to them as they see that the matchbox is empty and your hands are otherwise empty.

You should also know that the matchbox is not examinable. Some magicians say they won’t perform anything where they don’t end clean. If that is the case, read the “Suggestions” section for an idea to end clean. They teach you how to make your own gimmick, or just how to use a different matchbox exterior with the gimmick provided. This becomes very useful if you want to end clean by switching the gimmicked matchbox with an un-gimmicked matchbox.


Skill level required: 2 of 5. You will need to practice, but the gimmick is really designed well and not difficult to use.
Audience management skill required: 2 of 5.
Performance angles: 360 degrees
Reset time required: Five seconds, away from your audience.
DIY time involved in advance: None


This is a really nice card to impossible location effect where a selected card goes to a matchbox. What I really like about this one is you don’t have to “dump” the card into your hand. You can literally reach into the box, grab the folded card, hand them their selected card, and show the matchbox and your hands otherwise empty.


You can’t hand out the matchbox for examination. Many magicians, including some top level magicians never perform an effect unless they end clean. Not a bad rule. So, to end clean with this, you will need to switch the matchbox for an un-gimmicked one. You will need a reason to go into your pocket for something. Here are a couple ideas:

1. Impromptu Idea.

If you have nothing else with you but a deck of cards and this effect (plus a matching un-gimmicked matchbox), when you perform this effect, place the deck of cards into a pocket where you have a duplicate, but un-gimmicked matchbox. At the end of the routine, go into your pocket with the matchbox in hand. If someone asks to see the matchbox before you go into your pocket, as you go into your pocket, you say: “Hold on, let me show you one more thing with the matchbox and then you can take a look at it.” In your pocket, grab the cards and the un-gimmicked matchbox and leave the gimmicked matchbox.

Have them pick a card and return it to the deck. Control the card to the top. You could do this by cutting the deck and having them place their card in the middle. Dribble the cards on top of their selected card, but dribble them slightly in-jogged so the card above their card sticks out just a bit. Grab the cards at the injogged card and separate the two halves. Riffle shuffle the cards so the cards in your left hand, with their selection on top, ends up on top.

Cut the cards and maintain a pinkie break. Spread the cards and feel several cards and pick out their card and place it face down on the table as you say: “This one feels like your card.” Feel it again and say: “Hmm, I'm not sure.” Spread the cards again and do the same with two more cards. You now have three cards laying face down, one of which is their card. Give the cards a bit of a mix, but keep track of where their card is. Lay them down again side by side, face down.

Hand them the matchbox and ask them to place it on one of the cards. If they place it on their card, simply take the other two cards and turn them over and let them pick up the box and turn over their card. If they place it on a card that isn’t theirs, slide that card toward you and ask them to place it on another card as you say: “Now we are down to two cards.” If they place it on their card the second time, slide that card toward them as you say: “One for me, one for you, and one that didn’t get picked.” If they place it on another card the second time, slide that card and box toward yourself and say: “And that leaves only one card.” At this point, don’t ask them to examine the box, just lay the box on their card and let them pick up the box to turn over their card.

2. Slightly less impromptu Idea

I really like the effect “Fall” by Banachek. It is a gimmicked sharpie that will topple over on it’s own. This is a perfect effect to combine with this one because you just had a card signed with a sharpie and now you are going to apparently take out the same sharpie. Use the matchbox to rest the sharpie on for the effect. Talk about how the matchbox is cursed or has magical powers, etc. This takes the heat off the sharpie. You could even start the effect with something like a straw on the box and blow on it to make it fall. Then, offer to do it with something else where everyone stands several feet away from it, and take out the sharpie. If you don’t have “Fall” you might want to check it out.
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