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I Hate Card Tricks

Bargatze, Stephen

Shawn Farquhar

(Based on 1 review)
"Not only did me fool me twice, but it's entertaining too!"
- Shawn Farquhar

"Everybody wants to be Stephen Bargatze."
- Bob Sheets

"It's a trick I could instantly put in my repertoire"
- Eric Jones

"I hate Stephen Bargatze! No one has gotten so much out of so little in all of magic, except, that guy with the coin and sharpie."
- Rick Merrill

IBM Close Up champion and 4F Guest of Honour, Stephen Bargatze releases another one of his all time greatest effects. This gem of magic is certain to be a stand out piece in your close up show. Easily four minutes of great magic and comedy interaction. I Hate Card Tricks is the ultimate effect to fool laymen and magician alike. All the necessary props, along with a lifetime of performance experience, is included in this outstanding DVD package.


Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Jul 30, 2015


Unfortunately, the trailer that was put out for this trick does make it seem like the worst trick ever, worthy of the title “I hate card tricks”. However, in the trailer, they cut out all the funny bits and just showed the mechanics of the trick. This is a trick where the handling and patter is as important as the trick itself.

So, despite the bad trailer, this is a really excellent routine. In fact, what is so good about this routine is much more than the trick. It’s the psychological effect that is created with the handling and the patter.


You get two decks with this effect, and you will need to switch decks. You don’t need to switch decks in the middle of the routine, but you need to do the switch before starting to perform this effect.

This is not your typical “new generation” trick that is over in a few seconds with a flash of magic. This is a routine that has to be told like a story. The story is about demonstrating the world’s most boring card trick, but in an entertaining way. This routine is probably not for everyone, but for those who like to combine entertaining patter with an excellent trick, this is a good one.

The routine does take time, and if you don’t include the patter and the bits and pieces, the whole trick can fall apart. As Stephen says: “You need to put them on a bus or train to somewhere they can’t get off.” This DVD is not only a good trick, but it’s a real education in magic psychology.


One really strong effect and routine!


I just love his patter, it is hilarious. Here is an alternative ending. You say: “You could have thought of any of these cards, like this one, or this one, or one of these, or one of those.” As you say this, you turn over the blank cards.

One more thought: To start the routine, he suggests you do a different card trick to establish you have an ordinary deck and then switch decks before performing this routine. Here is an idea if you are not doing a trick prior to this one: Spread the cards of the ordinary deck facing the audience. You then say to them that in a moment, you are going to ask them to think of a card. However, first, you are going to turn your back to them so you can’t see them thinking of a card. This little joke will get a laugh. With your back turned, you do the deck switch.
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