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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Royal Oil

Harlan, Dan

Murphy's Magic Supply

(Based on 3 reviews)
Five cards with black suits are repeatedly and openly mixed with five cards with red suits. Each time, though the mixing is more and more fair, with nothing more than a shake of the packet the colors separate-all of the black suits together and all the red together!

Absolutely no sleight-of-hand is required to perform this visually stunning routine.

Comes complete with the necessary, specially-printed Bicycle cards and detailed, fully-illustrated 16-page instruction booklet.

Available from your favorite magic dealer.


Elliott Smith

Official Reviewer

May 05, 2023


Five cards with black suits are repeatedly and openly mixed with five cards with red suits. Each time, though the mixing is more and more fair, with nothing more than a shake of the packet the colors separate, all of the black suits together and all the red together! Absolutely no sleight-of-hand is required to perform this visually stunning routine


This is basically a three phase Oil and Water effect. In each phase 5 red cards and 5 black cards are mixed/interlaced together and then instantly separate back to their respective color set without any effort from the Magician. The changes are extremely visual as the spectator sees the cards clearly mixed together yet as soon as the performer squares up the cards they become separated again. In Phase Three, the colors separate almost instantly as they are spread out.


Your are provided with 4 gimmicked Bicycle cards to which you will have to add 6 cards of your own from a normal deck matching the back color design of the ones you received. A very quick set up of the cards is required and you are set. Now take these 10 cards, put them in your wallet or packet trick wallet and you are ready to go. There is absolutely no sleights used, no fancy moves, no angle issues, it is very easy to do. This is in essence a ‘packet trick’ so the cards will not be examinable.

Product Quality

The four specially printed cards you receive are Bicycle quality cards. As you are not roughly handling or shuffling the cards just spreading them, they should last you a very long time. You will receive a 16 page instruction booklet which is fully illustrated with drawings and vey well written instructions. A patter is suggested but as always, feel free to "make it you own”. There is no video download but you can see the full performance at -

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad is very descriptive and very accurate, you will be able to perform and accomplish exactly what is advertised.

Final Thoughts

In the demo video, this effect facilitates the use of a table (which really makes this effect look spectacular) however is can be done in the hands very easily and still looks great for strolling or table-hopping - in case the tale surface is clutters or dirty/wet. The effect is perfect for the beginner, if you can spread a few cards, you can do this one with ease. Also great for the intermediate and pro. I highly recommend this easy, fun and very entertaining card effect.


If you don’t want to use a packet wallet to store your cards, you can add them to a regular boxed deck, take the whole deck out and start your routine. This method is fully explained in the instruction booklet.
As the cards are not examinable as mentioned earlier, you can add them back to the deck and if you feel the need to, you can do a deck switch and continue with some other card effects.
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Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Mar 07, 2004

If you like the Oil & Water plot and don't want to be burdened with the skill requirements of most sleight-of-hand versions, Royal Oil is for you!

By using feked cards, it avoids most of those "I don't know what he did, but he did something" moments found in many of the skill-based versions. There are a couple of times where cards need to be rearranged, but I'm guessing most of our readers are intelligent enough to find a good line to cover these moments.

The routine itself has three phases, each more direct than the previous. Again, one of the strengths is that the damned thing almost works itself. If you can memorize the sequence of events, the mechanics are taken care of. This leaves you free to focus on the performance.

The routine that comes with it is workable and better than many I've seen. However, I would challenge anyone who owns this to be creative and come up with a plot that is unique to them.

If you've got a plot in mind but don't want to spend hours working on the chops, I'm convinced Royal Oil will be a great addition to your repertoire.

NOTE: I found it very difficult to review this item fairly. I've never been a fan of Oil & Water routines, so I did my best to put my personal feelings out of my mind and focus on the product at hand. I hope I have been successful and that the review is somewhat helpful.
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Michael Tobin

Sep 05, 2003

Wham! Wham! Wham! One huge reaction after another. This trick is almost self working. It resets in seconds and fools everyone. The script for it is great. A definite must have.
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