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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Spritz Switch

Lonnie Chevrie

(Based on 1 review)
Windows Media Video File View Clip

A one dollar bill morphs into a one hundred dollar bill!
  • Visual
  • Stunning!
  • Easy-To-Do!
Running Time Approximately 50min


Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Sep 01, 2009

I've never been a big fan of the $100 bill switch. I think it's because I've spent too many years working on Eugene Burger's version of Grant's Bill Switch. I always wondered why someone would stand in front of a group of people and “show” a bill change rather than have it happen in an audience member's hand. It's just more magical in the hands.

That being said, the these two offerings from Lonnie Chevre are the Rolls Royce of the $100 bill switch.

The Spritz Switch is a subtle and very visual switch. While you do fold the bill into quarters during the routine, the actual switch takes place with the bill fully open and in full view. Plus, you don't need the feke normally used for these types of changes. The DVD cover claims that it's “Easy-to-do.” I wouldn't agree 100% with this statement. Lonnie goes into great detail explaining little modifications to the bills and folding methods to make it as simple as possible. But you're still going to want to spend many hours in front of the mirror getting this right before you show it to an audience.

The Paper Dollar is a change from a blank piece of paper to a bill. The method is similar to the original version. However, some changes in folding and several little touches make it more deceptive. To be honest, it fooled me the first time I saw it.

Regardless of my feelings on stand-up versus in-the-hands switches, if you want to do a stand-up version, this is the work you want to be studying.
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