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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Siamese Goose Egg Bag

Bauer, Ron

(Based on 1 review)
From the man who collects despite his unfortunate financial situation!

In #15 of the Ron Bauer Private Studies Series you can give the impression to your audiences that the props you use, at least for one trick, are worth something! This witty presentation and baffling handling of the Miller-Malini Egg Bag is loaded with laughs, surprises, and mystery!

InEGGspensively priced at only TEN BUCKS!

Close-Up and Parlor Magic.
Learn: Theme, Intrigue Value, Play on Words, Planting, and more!


David Acer

Official Reviewer

Dec 30, 2003

I must admit, I may have a mild prejudice against Egg Bag routines. I've just never seen one that a) makes any sense (why are you putting an egg in a bag?) or b) makes anyone give a crap (who cares if you're putting an egg in a bag?).

At some point early on in my magical career, I tried to reconcile these issues by creating an Egg Bag routine that used an oven mitt in place of the bag. At least we were now dealing with two items commonly found in the kitchen. But alas, nothing came of it, other than the painful realization that most everyone would just assume that the egg was being hidden in the thumb of the oven mitt.

In any case, back to the present. Ron Bauer has released his Egg Bag routine as the 15th installment in the 24-part Private Studies series. If you're like me, this will do little if anything to convert you. If, however, you see no problem either conceptually or theatrically with making an egg vanish and appear inside a little cloth bag, then Ron's routine is as good as any one I'm aware of. Moreover, he gives detailed information on the best bags to use, the best eggs to use, and how to take proper care of both. It's a thorough, thoughtful examination of both plot and performance.

Having said that, however, if I EVER hear ANYONE deliver lines like "This little bag is EGG-strordinary," or "I hope you have enjoyed this EGG-ceptional EGG-sibition of an EGGS-asperating EGG-speriment," I will PERSONALLY EGG YOU!

David Acer

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