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The Real-Life Tarot Deck

David Regal

Blue Bikes Prods - David Regal

(Based on 1 review)
The Real-Life Tarot Deck

We all know that substituting a tarot deck for an ordinary deck of cards in a magic routine both invigorates and changes the identity of the trick. But what if the deck was humorously updated, containing images and emotions unique to present-day audiences?

That's The Real-Life Tarot Deck

.Never before has a tarot deck included "The Conspiracy Theorist" or "The Vomiting Cupid." Nor has The Devil been depicted as a landlord. Add to these "The Road Trip," "Too Many Cats," "Moving Back In," and 72 more topically fun, loaded tarot cards. You get the idea.

Created by David Regal, Jake Regal, and Sam Regal, The Real-Life Tarot deck is a beautifully produced, elegantly boxed 78-card deck of original art. It can be used for readings, played as a game, or - in the case of a magic effect - as a tool for turning a standard force, prediction, or Ace-cutting demonstration into a routine that's filled with laughs as well as mystery.

The current stock is from the first edition limited individually numbered run.

As a bonus, magicians who purchase The Real-Life Tarot Deck will receive a link to video explanation of one of the best (and least known) Ace-cutting effects ever devised, by Ed Marlo. This is a perfect tool for forcing specific tarot cards for magical purposes.

Purchase two decks to have a duplicate set of cards for use as predictions!


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Mar 17, 2024


The Tarot Deck has a long venerated history from the Middle Ages till now. The most popular version in use today is the Rider Waite deck which was originally published in 1909. The Rider Waite deck incorporated symbolism from multiple religions and philosophies and well as astrology and numerology. Since the inception of the Rider Waite deck, many other specialty decks were printed to appeal to specific target markets of every shape and form. The Real Life Tarot Deck by David Regal is another one of those decks.


As with every Tarot deck, The Real Life Tarot deck can be used in multiple ways. Its main purpose is for an individual to think of a life question (or problem) they would like direction with.


Through a series of shuffles and cuts a card (or cards) are selected and through the chosen cards the answer(s) are divined.

Product Quality

The cards provided seem to be of fair quality. Unlike most popular decks used today which are printed by The US Playing Card Company this one is not. The stock seems sturdy but not as sturdy as others. The back design resembles the traditional Tarot deck and the images on front are printed to replicate an older style of printing from decades ago. The colors are primarily muted which gives the deck an antique look. There are just a handful of playing suggestions on two of the cards. Also included is a 4 minute video on and Ace cutting routine.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is minimal and what you get is minimal. There is no attempt to teach you how to interpret the images because there really isn’t any. There is no analysis into the meaning of the cards because ala David Regal this deck is really a just a farce. The Real Life Tarot deck is more of a silly game which you would play with friends for a lark (especially if all were inebriated).

Final Thoughts

If you are a David Regal fan and enjoy his particular type of personality and humor, then maybe you would like this. As someone who has some familiarity with a Tarot deck and all its inner meanings, this deck is nothing more than a silly joke you would play with friends.
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