Metamorphosis Pro


(Based on 3 reviews)
Caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies right in the spectator's hands!

A beautiful and stunning close-up effect!

You present your great-grandfather's vintage collectible cards - the remains of his childhood collection - showing uncolored caterpillars.

You have discovered that these cards are filled with magic and mystery. With the spectator's help you magically paint the caterpillars in the colors named by the spectator.

Placing the cards into the spectator's hand, the unexpected miracle happens: instead of merely changing their color, the caterpillars are magically transformed into four beautiful butterflies, matching the spectator's named colors!

In the Pro Version, the last butterfly vanishes from the card and appears on the back of the spectator's hand, a magical and touching souvenir!

Comes with 24 victorian-style butterflies, several handling ideas, and special bonus card.

With this version you can also perform the routine of the Original Version but will also be able to produce memorable souvenirs for the spectator.

Highly recommended: get an additional refill with more 24 butterfly die-cuts in victorian-style.


Paul Budd

Official Reviewer

Aug 11, 2022

Firstly: this trick is solid. You have here a pretty straight on packet trick. Using a few false displays (standard packet trick stuff), but if done correctly, will play very nicely. Some caterpillars printed onto the back of these Victorian-esque cards turn into pretty butterflies. In the "Pro" version, one caterpillar vanishes, and the spectator finds that one on their back of the own hand.
Again, this is for the "Pro" version. I think the "Regular" version does not come with the stick on butterflies. I am writing this in Summer 2022 and this effect was released about 13 years ago. It appears to still be available but seemingly only the "Pro" version is out there (and a "Refill" version as well). Cark Shark, a German company, tends to put out pretty nice stuff. This is 100% playable at a zoo event, or maybe an animal sanctuary open house...something of that ilk...but could play for any walk around gig.

The props are very nice and have the proper "old" but clean appeal to them. The price (at $39.95) seems a buck or two high, but this is just a nice, fun effect that garners a solid reaction from spectators. This one is a keeper, for sure!
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Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Jun 23, 2014

For $40 dollars you get 6 beautifully made cards, an equally beautiful aged envelope, a vinyl pouch thingie, 24 beautiful (sorry about over using that word) die-cut vintage butterflies, a well made booklet of instructions (full color) and access to a video explanation that will bore you to tears.

This is the kind of effect that can really be a nice show piece. The vintage looking nature of the props leads to some nice stories and presentational ideas. The handling is pretty simple (though a bit contrived in one or two places, but not horribly so). The effect itself opens the door to many presentations . . . the effect is simply that caterpillars printed on cards are placed in the spectator's hand. They change into butterflies. The bonus effect allows the caterpillar to completely disappear from the card and a die cut butterfly appears in an impossible location of your choice.

Putting aside the vintage nature of the props, the butterflies and the caterpillars, this is essentially a packet trick. The same old moves, displays, etc. However, if you like the effect and can see it having potential in your own repertoire, you'll be very happy with your purchase. Though the quality of the props is excellent, I wonder if $40 is too high. Other than that, I recommend it if you like the effect.

Final Verdict: 3.5 stars with a Stone Status of Gem.
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Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

May 31, 2012

I have purchased other effects from the Card-Shark line and have never been disappointed, and this time is no exception. If the effect sounds familiar to you, I describe why later in the review. Also, if you are familiar with the packet effect called The Web by Jim Pace, this is essentially that but not scary and is in a whole different category of quality.

With this effect, you get the necessary cards, including a bonus card, a packet of 24 thin cardboard-type stock cut-outs of Victorian-style butterflies, an aged-looking envelope in which to carry the cards, a plastic sleeve to carry everything in, an extra "something" for the alternate finale and a set of complete, written instructions for two handlings, which also includes a link to a password-protected online instruction video.

If you have ever gotten any of the card decks put out by Card-Shark (the Medieval Tarot, the Gypsy Deck, etc.), you will already be familiar with the quality of the cards included with this effect, which to say, is excellent. The images are clean and crisp, the cards are aged nicely (although for an "aged" set of cards, they are quite smooth and 'modern-ish', but that does not take away from the effect here) to suit the story line included in the instructions.

The envelope in which you keep the cards (not the plastic sleeve) is a thicker stock of paper so it should last, and also has the same aged look as the cards. If you choose, you can distress the envelope more yourself, but I do not think it is necessary. This envelope also has a piece of silicon paper inside to help keep a certain part of one of the cards clean. I cannot say anything more about that part without giving some of the method away, but suffice it to say, if needed, it is easy to replace the "stuff" if it ever gets dirty.

The plastic sleeve that everything can be stored it is an elongated version of the standard plastic packet trick wallets with the black plastic back and clear plastic inside. You can use this sleeve or if desired, and if you have one of the appropriate size, you can use your own.

The instructions are VERY clear and thorough. Not much to be said about them except that they are well done, and the only complaint that some (not all) people may have is that the photographs used to illustrate certain parts of the text are on a different page than the particular text which they are illustrating. In no way does this detract from the quality of the instructions. As mentioned above, it also includes the password to a protected online instruction video for the effect for those performers who are more the 'visual learner-type'. If you decide to use the video, I would still give the written instructions at least one read-through.

I save the butterflies for last because it is the one part of the package that very, very slightly disappointed me, but it really is of no consequence. I describe the stock as cardboard-like because it is hard to describe it, but it is a bit thicker than a standard 3x5 notecard, but very flexible. They are colorful and clean-cut. So what part disappointed just a tad? They are only printed on one side - the opposite side is a stark white color. Other than that, these are beautiful little butterflies that make a great and memorable gift if you choose to end with that version.

Note that if this effect sounds familiar in description, that may be because you might be familiar with an effect from years ago called Caterpillar Love - also a great effect in its own right and only comes with one quite realistic, fake 3-D butterfly - but Metamorphosis takes the quality up four or five more notches. Also, if you prefer (and if you can find them) you can use 3-D fake butterflies that come in packages of 12 (about $8) or 24 (about $10), which are similar to the one that comes with Caterpillar Love. I personally use the 3-D butterflies because they look just like a real one that has been preserved.

The other thing I love about this effect is that there are no refills to buy, unless of course you do the alternate handling and hand out the butterfly cut-outs, which can be replaced with another package of 24 cut-outs for about $4-$6/USD.

All in all, this is a very well produced product and it brought back a lot of memories from when I used to do Caterpillar Love, only I think this is much better! Well done Card-Shark!
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