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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Greg Otto

Greg Otto

(Based on 1 review)
Greg Otto's performances have taken him to over 60 countries on five continents. He has performed at schools, amusements parks, college campuses, comedy clubs, cruise ships, strip joints, conventions, trade shows, corporate events & casinos. Here is his packs very small, plays big, can be done under virtually any conditions act.

Greg's very funny routine ends with a couple of great follow up sight gags.

Not just a trick, this is a lesson in comedy presentation. 5 minutes of solid laughs with a strong magical ending.

Nothing difficult, just lots of fun with a funny throwaway finish.

Greg's very clean method makes a strong closer.

Also routines for HIMBER RINGS - MOAB - BALOON ANIMALS (sort of) and more...

Running Time Approximately 60min



Official Reviewer

Sep 21, 2008

There was a great deal of buzz generated by this DVD. I have never met or seen Greg Otto in person but I have been told he is a very accomplished performer and a very funny guy.

The DVD’s quality is top notch. It was shot at the Magic Castle in front of a live audience. For that reason alone, it is a fun DVD to watch. No stooge audience, no boring friends who are being nice, and no over reacting, fake audience, it is a real show. I like that a lot. This alone would be a good reason to purchase this DVD as you get to see a working pro do his act in front of a real audience.

Greg is a funny guy. His sense of humor is dry, very dry. He has many rapid fire gags that I am sure many of magicians will enjoy dropping into their shows. You will also get to watch a show that entertains a large audience yet fits into your pockets.

All of the above would make this DVD a worthy purchase. As for the material, well, it depends on what you are looking for in a DVD and what level of magic you are at. The material (tricks) are not ground breaking. Most of it is pretty standard stuff. It is Greg’s personality and style that makes the show work.

I was not very excited at the level of material. He did a Book Test with a commercial prop. He did not really add anything to the trick and he can’t tell you how to do it. You must purchase the prop and it is expensive. Since he did not really add anything to the piece and it is not his to give away, I am not sure why it is on the DVD. Perhaps just to show the flow of his show and that is a good reason, but I can’t help but feel a bit slighted on this one.

He also performs an add a number routine. Again, he did not really add anything to the presentation of the routine, it is pretty standard, straight from the instructions variation. He does have a nice touch of how he switches the ******* but beyond that it was nothing new. A surprising situation in the show was that the audience screws up and the trick and it does not end correctly. He tries to save it but alas the audience again screws it up. Since this is the closer to the show, I am not sure why he left this in. Why not reshoot the sequence? Even in the explanation he does not really give us any clear answers as how to handle this situation or what to do.

His torn and restored dollar is a fun and humors romp with a borrowed bill. You will not learn any new moves but his jokes and presentation are what drives this routine.

Most of the other routines are driven by his style and wit and not mind blowing magic.

For the most part you are not going to purchase any new tricks or handlings with this DVD. What you are buying is a look at a working pro’s show and some new ideas on presentations and some very funny jokes and gags.
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