Classic Palming with Coins

Reed McClintock

(Based on 2 reviews)
Mastery is finally within your grasp! The Magic Bakery is proud to announce the first progressive training system ever designed to teach you the classic palm with coins. Previous books, videos, and even personal lessons have done little more than show you where the coins go, and then leave you to "practice". Or worse, "practice, practice, practice." Finally, someone has developed a logical system of drills and lessons that actually shows you what to practice. It's not what you think. But it works...


In 1584, Reginald Scott stated the importance of the classic palm: "He that hath once atteined to the facilitie of reteining one piece of monie in his right hand, may shew a hundredth pleasant conceipts by that means, and reserve two or three as well as one."

Four centuries later, modern master David Roth teaches that the classic palm is still the equivalent of having "an invisible extra thumb"--an invisible technique that renders objects in your hand undetectable.

And now there is a training guide that puts this ancient secret into your hands.

Convert your hands into "Cloaking Devices".

Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. If your present training program has failed to deliver, you need to attack the problem from a new direction.

Reed "Knucklebusters" McClintock developed this revolutionary approach as he mastered the classic palm for his own professional use. He guides you through the entire process, making sure you understand the reason behind each step. Curtis "Palms of Steel" Kam interviews Reed, further unlocking the secrets of the McClintock System.

Reed McClintock won the MVP at the legendary 2005 FFFF Convention, and one of the basic weapons in his arsenal was his masterful handling of multiple coins. How can you possibly learn this advanced technique? Easy! At least it is now! Learn the hardest part of technical coin magic, palming WITHOUT the tells!

Finally there is now a training guide that puts this ancient secret into the palm of your hands.

CHAPTERS Include...

Intro and interview with Curtis Kam
The solid coin concept
Multiple palming
Various size coins
Producing coins
Look mom, both hands
The muscle pass


Flashing/Moist & dry hands
Flow and control
Learning from Bobo


Up close Miser's Dream
Steve Dobson Performs!
Classic palming trivia game
Coming attractions


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Dec 15, 2008

Here’s the deal: I picked up two great tips that are helping me (I’m still not there yet), so on that alone, I can’t rate it as a half star. However, the majority of the other material seemed like filler.

There were a lot of coin routines and ideas for what to do once you learn to classic palm coins. The whole intent of the DVD seems to be to sell you on how valuable classic palming coins is along with actually teaching you how to classic palm coins.

Again, the two tips I picked up are things I’ve never seen nor heard elsewhere, so if you’re struggling to solve the riddle that is classic palming coins, this DVD might be what you’re looking for. If however, you’re looking for a coin trick DVD, this one is not for you. If you already can classic palm coins, don’t bother.

Frankly the price ($35.00) is a little steep for what you’re getting. In my mind, the two things that I took from the DVD could have been simply written down in two sentences, and that would have been enough.

To be fair, I should make it clear that I have no issues with Reed McClintock. He’s a pretty funny guy, and is clearly a thinker. I just think that this particular project was a lot more filler than solid material.
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P.T. Murphy

Official Reviewer

Feb 15, 2007

“Reed McClintock’s Classic Palming With Coins” opens with an innocent enough interview between Reed and a colleague. It is during this interview that you come to realize that Reed, while he may have thought about doing this DVD, was NOT prepared to film this DVD.

Throughout the whole DVD Reed drops his words and leaves his sentences unfinished. His thoughts are garbled and trail off into the ether. The most insulting thing about this DVD is that it was so obviously not scripted. Reed is making up his lesson as he goes along. Anybody who has even a passing interest in improvisational theater will tell you that 90% of the time what comes out of your mouth is crap and the other 10% of the time you MAY strike gold. And that is only IF the Gods have decided to smile on your performance.

Why do “professionals” in the field of magic insist on flying by the seat of their pants? Reed is obviously not one of those guys who can improvise his performance. The director and producer of the DVD should have known better. People are paying their hard earned cash for this stuff to treat the audience with such disrespect is unconscionable.

So does Reed teach how to do the Classic Palm? Well, sort of. He shows you where in your hand you might put the coin if you were learning the sleight. The rest of the DVD is just magic-porn, to borrow a phrase.

My advice? Save your money. Buy a book like “Modern Coin Magic”.

While you are at your local magic shop ask one of the magicians to help you learn the Classic Palm. I am sure there are a few magicians who will gladly volunteer their time.

Magicians helping magicians, this is what it is all about.
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