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Elegant Deceptions

Vincent, Michael

(Based on 1 review)
Welcome to "The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent Volume 3 - Elegant Deceptions"

Volume 3 continues with the same intention as Volumes 1 and 2 - that is to transform the learning of magic through the medium of DVD. Over the last year, Michael Vincent has broken new ground in merging the DVD medium with his dynamic teaching style.

Michael has made a significant impact in the market place to such an extent that this new DVD has been anticipated with great expectation.

This new release from Alakazam Magic showcases Michael Vincent at his very best, as a performance driven artist. The material on this DVD was designed with one intention; to be shared was an audience. In studying this DVD, it is our hope that you will feel the passion, drive and enthusiasm that Michael brings to every performance.

Alakazam Magic hopes that you will be inspired by what you learn so that you can emulate the qualities that makes the Michael Vincent experience of magic such a precious commodity. The values that Michael holds dear are rooted in a commitment to technical and artistic excellence and a desire to provide his audience with that rare thrill of pure astonishment.

In continuing this series, Michael has deliberately taken the approach of communicating to you as his personal students. He takes for granted that you have taken the time to study the first two volumes because volume 3 picks up the pace and expands the possibilities of what can be achieved with more advanced skill and artistic delivery.

The performances given in the live show and in the intimacy of the bar will showcase the impact that quality magic, well presented, can have on a lay audience. Here is your opportunity to take your magic and performance to the next level.

Thank you for continuing your journey with Michael Vincent and Alakazam Magic.

Table of Contents

Disc One:
- Opening Discussion with Chris Harding
- Live Parlor Show Featuring:

  • The Symphony of the Rings
  • The Rubber Band Trick
  • The Hanging Coins
  • The Bill Switch Routine
  • The Card up The Sleeve
  • The Ultimate Travelers
  • The Ladies Looking Glass
    These routines are a performance section with discussion & references to methods and resources later in the DVD
- Close-up Show in the Bar-Part One (With full Explanations)

  • The Ultra Clean Transposition
  • All Hands on Deck
Disc Two:
- Close-up Performance in the Bar-Part Two

  • 4Play with Foursome
  • The Vegas Hustle
  • Aces for Experts
  • Back To the future
- Bonus Performance

  • The Many Faces of a Woman -Performance Only
Disc Three:
Borrowed Deck Conversation With Chris Harding.

The routines featured are:

  • Reading "Tells" - An idea inspired by Juan Tamariz with special thanks to Darwin Ortiz.
  • Asthmatic Card Control - Michael's handling for Harry Lorayne's Numero Uno
  • A Match Made in Heaven - Dai Vernon's "Matching the Cards" (from a borrowed Shuffled Deck). Irv Weiner's "Triple Transposition"....One simple Technique sets you up for an amazing series of transpositions.
This section is an intriguing conversation about the benefits of mastering "The Cull" so that you can work with a borrowed deck. Here, Michael performs some impromptu card magic with a deck supplied by Chris Harding.

What makes this section of the DVD so compelling is the fact that Michael performs and then explains a number of routines which would normally require you to begin with your deck stacked. This could be the most valuable study for all aspiring students of card magic. Ascension - Michael's exquisite handling for the classic "Ambitious Aces", inspired by an idea of James Swain's. A Final Conversation with Chris Harding
In this final conversation, Michael imparts his knowledge and wisdom in the hope that it inspires you all to continue thinking and expanding the possibilities for your magic.

Bonus Explanation
The Ladies Looking Glass - Here is a master class in how to take ancient classic first published in 1868 and bring it kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Michael's performance and explanation is an inspired study in technical mastery and artistic self - expression; Professor Comte and Robert Houdin would have loved this!


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Jun 04, 2014


This is the second set of Michael Vincent DVDs that I've reviewed. I've really enjoyed his work. This DVD set is no exception. There is one point of clarification needed before we can start however. During this set he kept referring to "volumes I and II" of the "series." I was a bit confused until I did some digging. So, I'll save you the trouble and publish my research here. To the best of my knowledge, here's what we've got:

Alakazam has produced a 3 Volume Set of DVDs. Each volume has either 3 or 4 DVDs. The series is called, The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent. Below you'll find the subtitle to each volume and the number of DVDs included.

Volume 1 - The Pathway to Excellence - 3 DVDs. I've watched and reviewed this set and gave it a solid recommendation (4 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!)
Volume 2 - Rhapsodies in Silver & Other Mysteries - 4 DVDs. I've not seen this one.
Volume 3 - Elegant Deceptions - 3 DVDs. I've watched and you are about to read my review of this one.

Hopefully that helps.

Disk One

In this first disk, you are treated with a bit of a long-than-needed-to-be introduction, followed by the Parlour Show which contained the following effects:

  • The Symphony of the Rings - Linking Ring Routine

  • The Rubber Band Trick - Crazy Man's Handcuffs

  • The Hanging Coins - Hanging Coins

  • The Bill Switch Routine - A Bill Switch Routine (am I being too obvious)

  • The Card Up the Sleeve - Two Card Transpo

  • Ultimate Travelers - Cards to Pocket

  • The Ladies Looking Glass - A Multiple Selection Routine

Of all the effects above, only one is taught, The Ladies Looking Glass - it's taught on Disk 3. On disk three, Vincent makes a point of saying that he's not teaching the effects because he wants us to work out our own methods and that if we've watched the previous volumes and studied them, we'd have all the knoweledge we need to work out our own methods.

I've got mixed feelings about this approach. First, I have not seen Volume II, and don't feel that I should have to buy it in order to perform the routines on another volume that I did purchase. I get his point of being our mentor and wanting us to work through things and figure things out. The problem is that it's a little bit of double talk - I don't think that he's being dishonest, but I think he's a little unclear on his intentions. On one hand, Vincent refers to this set of DVDs (all three Volumes - 10 DVDs) is a mentoring series to take a person up through the ranks and teach him how to be a magicians (the way magic used to be taught pre-pants-on-the-ground generation). I LOVE this.

However, on the other hand he seems to assume that we already have a certain level of knowledge and that (in Disk one of this volume in particular) the performance of the show is just to show us how to do a show and that we should already know the secrets to Linking Rings, Hanging Coins, etc. Granted, all of this may have been taught on the 4 disk set that is Volume II, but again, I don't own that set, and there were some great moments in his Linking Ring and Hanging Coins routines that I would love to learn.

Just consider the above when you make your purchasing decision. As for the performance itself, barring a couple of awkward moments, it was a beautiful performance, and one that you can truly learn from even if you don't know the secrets (I told you had mixed feelings).

The Sleeve transpo routine was a killer idea, and an excellent way to frame a two card transpo. The travelers effect was impossibly magical. His hanging coins is the best I've ever seen. The pantomime of the "hang" is perfect. The bill switch, I'm not sure what the effect was . . . it started with a gag that kept going on and on, then suddenly the audience applauded, but I couldn't see what happened due to the lighting. The effect was never really explained, so I'm not sure what it was.

In addition to the Parlour act, you get the first part of the close up show where two effects are performed and taught

Close Up Show Part One:
Ultra Clean Transposition (4.5 stars)
A No-duplicates two card transpo that's about as clean as you can get. The cards could both actually be signed if you wanted to. The one ain't easy, but once you learn it you'll have a super clean routine that you can do anytime there's a deck of cards handy.

All Hands on Deck (4 stars)
The effect on this is really solid, but it just takes a little bit of time to get to any magic happening. Other than that, this is a solid effect. In Short: Spectator picks a card and shuffles it into the deck. Magi picks out five cards that it "might" be. Places all five face up in the deck. Instantly, all cards are face down except the selection.

Disk Two

On disk 2, we watch the rest of the close up show and are taught each effect. Below you'll find my commentary on each.
Close Up Show Part II:

4Play with Foursome (4.5 stars)
A darn-near perfect routine that has a solid gambling hook, and several moments of incredible magic, and, best of all, the deck is thorougly shuffled before starting. Even so, two sets of four-of-a-kind (decided on by the spectators after the shuffle) are produced in an incredibly magical way.

The Vegas Hustle (4.5 stars)
Vincent's take on the 10 card poker deal plot. Again, a super solid routine that just seems impossible. The only thing I don't like about it is the typical sting in the end of these types of routines: You lose; I win, Ha! Ha!

Aces For Experts (4.5 stars)
The Title here says it all. This is not an easy effect - most stuff on this set is not. However, this handling of Marlo's Estimation Aces just seems impossible - most of Vincent's stuff does.

Back to The Future (3 stars)
Not easy but pretty clean handling of the Anywhere/Nowhere plot combined with a Wild Card and a Cards to Pocket . . . it's a little too much. It has some nice moments, but there's a bit of back-and-forth-ness to it that I think takes away from the effect.

Many Faces of A Woman (performance ONLY):
This is another one of those bitter-sweet experiences. The routine is beautiful, magical and impossible and . . . we don't get to learn it.

Disk Three

In the final disk of this volume, we are treated to a couple of excellent conversations with Chris Harding. In these conversations you are not only taught some excellent theory about card magic and about using a borrowed deck, but you are also taught some incredible effects that you would never believe were done with a borrowed shuffled deck. Excellent!

And last but not least, we are shown the explanation for The Ladies Looking Glass which was performed on disk one in the parlour show. This is Vincent's handling on an effect that's over 100 years old, and it's beautiful. The best part about this, in my opinion, is that it removes just about every problem that I feel exist in multiple selection routines. It eliminates the long and drawn out process of having 8 people each take a card and each being returned to the deck. It eliminates the amount of time where nothing is happening and gets to the point much more quickly. Additionally, the revelations are done in pairs which makes the routine pop better, and the revelations seem impossible. This effect would make a nice addition to just about any parlour act.

Final Thoughts

I've already expressed my "issue" with the performance only nature of a lot of the material. There were a couple of minor annoyances in the DVD menu system. Additionally, the trailer is too long at the beginning of the DVD. It made things confusing. I mentioned this same problem in the first Volume 3 disk set. The trailer looks too much like the actual performance of the DVD and it gets confusing. Also, much of the material in the DVD is not labeled between segments, so if you wanted to go back and rewatch a section, you aren't sure what item on the menu you would need to pick to get back where you were.

This DVD set could have been 2 DVDs, maybe even one, but three was too many.

A few comments about Mr. Vincent . . . I love watching him perform, and I really do feel like he is talking to me and being my mentor, and I feel that if I ever get the opportunity to meet him that we'll connect because we've sort of already met. Regarding his presentations, they are a million miles ahead what I'm used to seeing on DVDs that I review. He is a true professional in every respect of the word. Based on Vincent's statement that he's constantly reviewing his magic and trying to improve it, I'll mention one criticism that I think he would appreciate. He has a bit of an annoying habit of constantly saying "Lo and Behold" right before revealing a selection or turning over a card. It's minor, but it's a bad habit that we all must be aware of, so if you pick up this DVD set - and you should - beware of that.

DVD Quality: 4 out of 5 stars
Material Performed: 4.5 stars
Material taught: 4.5 stars
Michael Vincent: 4.5 stars
Volume of "Performance Only" Material: 2.5 stars (too much of it).

Final Verdict

Even with the "issues" I had with the project, there's just no way I can NOT recommend this . . . in case my double negative locked up your brain: 4 stars with a Stone Status of GEM!
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