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Smokin' Candies

John Rogers

(Based on 2 reviews)
Smokers and non-smokers unite! The reigning king of wooden cigar magic has finally decided to open the vaults on decades worth of tricks, tips and routines, much of which is being revealed here for the first time ever! AND VIRTUALLY ALL OF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE PERFORMED WITH ROLLS OF LIFESAVERS™, CERTS™ AND MENTHOS™!


David Acer

Official Reviewer

Apr 08, 2007

In the already specialized world of magic manufacturing, you can't get much more sub-specialized than a DVD of tricks using realistic wooden cigars (except maybe a book of routines with lifelike ceramic potatoes). So who exactly is this for? Well, first, as evidenced by the title, John Rogers and the Camirand Academy are banking on the fact that much of this material can be performed with rolls of candy in place of cigars (wooden or otherwise). That broadens the appeal to some degree. Secondly, nestled among the various sleights and routines are two pieces that could actually serve a wider audience, so despite appearances to the contrary, this DVD might in fact be for you. What two pieces am I'm referring to?

  • "The Continuous Gum & Candy Production" has tons of potential for kidshows in general and Halloween shows in particular. Produce as many rolls of Lifesavers as you want at your fingertips, one after the other, dropping each one into an upturned hat, or baseball cap, or any other opaque container. As you do, intermittently, instead of a roll of Lifesavers appearing, a pack of gum might, then more Lifesavers, then a roll of Certs, and so on, until (as the ad says) there's enough candy in the hat for everyone. The routine employs a simple but effective sleight-of-hand technique, and although John provides only a bare-bones presentation, a personalized story involving trick-or-treating would suit the plot well. Naturally, this effect can also be performed with wooden cigars and/or cigarettes, but using candy seems to make the plot more engaging.

  • Conversely, rolls of candy can but probably shouldn't be used instead of cigars in John's "Cigar Through Body," given that smoking (or rather the ills of smoking) drives the plot. Because of the presentation, it's a routine that could be employed in venues where cigar magic might otherwise be considered inappropriate.

Apart from these, this DVD delivers a variety of practical techniques to produce, vanish, and/or otherwise magically alter what appears to be lit cigars, some well established, some by John himself, and one by France's David Stone. The narrow appeal of the subject matter is the reason I've given the DVD only two-and-a-half stars (in other words, it's not a "must-have" for every magician), but if you think you'll ever perform for people to whom cigar magic would speak, you won't find a better resource than Smokin' Candies.

David Acer
(Top ▲)

Paul White

Jul 05, 2006

If you perform cigar effects, this is an excellent summary video of major moves. Well thought out, filmed, and edited, the video gives you a lot to work on. John is pleasant and unassumning in his presentation. He emphasizes that every move should have a reason - making me recognize that my presentation could be far more effective if simplified. An excellent buy for cigar (or lifesaver) workers.
(Top ▲)