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Origami Effect

Mayne, Andrew

Andrew Mayne

(Based on 1 review)
Instantly turn a slip of paper into the origami shape of the animal a person is visualizing in their mind. Turn a borrowed bill into a butterfly. Tear up a newspaper and produce an animated origami rabbit. Andrew Mayne presents The Origami Effect; powerful, visual magic that lets you give form to thoughts.

The Origami Effect: A spectator thinks of an animal from a list of over 40 different origami shapes and you change the Post-It-Note into the animal instantly before their eyes.

The Recycled Rabbit: Tear a sheet of newspaper to pieces and then restore it into an origami rabbit that can't sit still. Great for kids and grown-ups alike. Takes only minutes to prepare.

Psychic Origami: Borrow a dollar from a spectator and change it into the animal they're visualizing in their mind. Includes multiple presentations.

Wineglass Origami: A devious way to change a borrowed bill into an origami shape right under your spectator's noses.

The Origami Effect is a one-on-one teach in style DVD. You'll learn different handling techniques as well as Andrew's extremely practical and deceptive method for forcing words and images.

Running Time Approximately: 65mins


Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Sep 22, 2013

I know of several magic reviewers have a love/hate relationship with Andrew Mayne. They either love his products or hate them. So far, everything I’ve received for review by Mr. Mayne has been pretty good. This effect is the best Mayne product I’ve gotten so far.

The basic effect is that someone thinks of an animal on a list of almost fifty different animals. You then instantly transform a post it note, newspaper, or dollar bill into an origami shape of their ‘thought of’ animal. It happens so fast, that it seems like there is no way you could have formed the origami shape that quickly, with so much detail. There is a small step the spectator needs to do before you have them look at an animal on the list, but it’s really quick, really simple, and done in one step.

The DVD teaches you several methods to make sure the spectator thinks of the correct animal, and Mayne teaches you how to make all the origami formations needed. Nothing is left out, and it is all taught somewhat clearly. I say somewhat because Andrew tends to repeat himself, and give too many suggestions at certain points. However, this doesn’t get in the way of the information, and should not make it difficult to learn, it’s just a little annoying while you’re watching the DVD.

Some may argue that this isn’t a ‘magic’ effect. Some may interpret the ‘magic moment’ as you simply being REALLY fast at origami. That’s ok, since there is apparently no way for you to know what animal they are thinking of. I think this will work well in both a straight magic act, and a straight mentalism act. Again, people will probably assume the mentalist has a great memory and knowledge of origami, and is just able to make the formation really quickly.

The other variations aren’t quite as good as the main origami effect, but they each have some element that makes them worth including. The Recycled Rabbit is a great prop for family and kids shows, and I know there will be a few performers out there who will get tons of mileage from this prop.

The DVD includes a PDF that has an important element of the method on it, so you can make new ones really quickly. The DVD is well produced, but the text goes off screen sometimes. This was a problem on one of his previous DVDs, and it’s something he should fix in upcoming projects. Again, this doesn’t make it impossible to learn, it’s just annoying.

If you do close up, parlor, or stage, and want to have a mental effect that has a VISUAL climax, you should look into adding this to your show.
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