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The Grid

Wiseman, Richard

Essential Magic Collection

(Based on 1 review)
The spectator selects a card from a deck of numbered cards.

The magician then deals out four hands of cards and asks the spectator to guess which hand adds up to the same number he has chosen.?Incredibly, the spectator is correct. The chosen hand does add up to his selected number. But that's not all. Each of the other three hands also reveals the chosen number.

The four hands are quickly arranged into a 4 x 4 grid to form a magic square. Each column, diagonal, row now adds up to the chosen number. Even the four corners total the number.

Finally, the cards are turned over to reveal a message that also predicts the chosen number. Complete with special deck. Totally self-working. Easy to reset. Different numbers can be selected.


Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Oct 31, 2013

This is a very interesting take on the Magic Square routine by one of my favorite thinkers. If you've never heard of Richard Wiseman, do a quick Google search and I predict you'll have lots to think about.

There are a lot of things to like about this work. First of all, it does a good job of really punching out each of the "additions" by breaking the routine into several distinct phases. It begins with someone randomly (really) selecting one number card as the "total" card. Another group of cards is broken into four piles of four card each. The totals of all four cards in each pile is totaled and shown to match the chosen card. Next, all sixteen cards are laid out in a big 4x4 grid and the standard "row and column" totals are pointed out. Then we get into all of the other combinations (corners, center, etc). As a final kicker, the back of the cards spell out a message showing that you predicted their number.

One of the traditional "problems" with the Magic Square is that it requires the performer to do math on the fly. Some formulas are easy; others are more complex. You'll be happy to know that this method requires no math whatsoever. Everything you need to "know" during the routine is built into the custom-printed cards. In fact, the only thing you need to remember one number. And there are no sleights. Period.

While you may not understand how it works, all you need to do is follow the simple, and fully explained, procedures and it just works!

If the Magic Square plot holds some interest for you, I highly suggest getting this product. This is especially true if you've avoided working on one because of the math.
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