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Xpert, The

Tobin, Neil

(Based on 2 reviews)
An Indispensable New Utility Device for Mentalists and Magicians

"Neil Tobin's device is an astounding accomplishment and will be embraced by magicians and mentalists - I love it!" -Ben Harris

"The Xpert device is the missing ingredient to my work on the X principle. No working magician or mentalist doing any X work can afford to be without this!" -Kenton Knepper

Discover a new utility device, one that's already being used by performing mentalists and magicians who appreciate its understated power and seemingly limitless possibilities. Utilizing the subtle principle illuminated in Kenton Knepper's manuscript, X, and launching it into the next dimension, the Xpert makes possible a wide variety of miraculously direct and virtually sleight-free effects, including:

Out of Body Xpert
A borrowed coin is chosen from a handful of change, marked with a participant's initial, has its date noted, and is tightly held in anybody's hands- yet the performer invisibly extracts the coin; it is soon found in the pocket of another participant some distance away!

Xpert Epic
The performer clearly and boldly numbers the blank sides of three postcards one through three. Picking up each numbered postcard in proper sequence, the performer shows the number on top and then writes his thoughts beneath. At the conclusion, all three postcards are shown to have correct predictions and may be given away afterward. No forces necessary.

Xpert X-ed Card
A card is freely selected (no force) and kept facedown while its back is visibly marked with a bold X. The cards are mixed, and the performer not so amazingly locates the X-ed card. But then comes the surprise-although the performer is no sleight-of-hand wizard, he is a mentalist: the X-ed card is turned face up to reveal the words "My Prediction" printed on its face. All the cards may be examined or given away. Instant reset, ends clean, no switches.

Xpert Vampire Hunter
A participant selects and signs a card to represent her in the role of "vampire hunter." To represent a vampire, another card is signed with an ankh, the ancient symbol of the immortal; it is then lost within a packet of cards. The participant inserts here card face up into the packet anywhere she chooses: if she's a successful vampire hunter, the vampire will be found just beneath her card. But when the cards are spread, the vampire card is gone! Yet she's successful after all-her signed card is turned over, and inscribed on its back is the vampire symbol! This card is given to the participant as a truly bizarre souvenir. No specially printed cards, no palming, no swamis.

You receive the staple-bound, 16-page, illustrated manuscript and gimmick.

Available from your favorite magic dealer.


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Mar 17, 2016

Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Let My Love Be Your Pillow by Ronnie Milsap

Xpert Review

Two PDFs, one download-able video, one special gimmick, $25 bucks and one Xpert Review. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.

Xpert Review: Effect

Many effects are possible. Take a look at the product description page, and while on that page, click on the Penguin Magic link to watch the trailer on Penguin's website. However, after seeing the effect descriptions, you, likely, still won't quite "get it." There's more (in a good way) going on than they're explaining in the effect descriptions.

Xpert Review: Method

The method works due to the supplied gimmick. Based on the ad copy and the video trailers, it's clear to me that Penguin doesn't want any hand tipping here. They're trying to keep the secret . . . well . . . secret. I get that, and I don't fault them for that. That being said, I'll do my best to give you the information you need to make a decision. First, unless you already know this principle and/or you're familiar with Kenton Knepper's X that they mentioned in the ad copy, then this is probably nothing like what you're expecting.

Don't let that throw you off. The method works great. It's an old idea that has been well disguised in a new way. The best part is that they teach you how to easily make this gimmick once yours is no longer use-able.

The only other point to mention is that some of the effects with playing cards will require you to visit the dollar store and get a certain type of deck of cards. At least one of the card effects, however, is done with any deck that you want as long as it has a cellophane wrapper. In fact, with a little thinking, you could adapt the method of that card trick to be done with a couple of packs of cigarettes . . . maybe a cigarette transpo or something along those lines.

This method truly has stood the test of time, and Neil Tobin has brought a lot of "stuff" to this method that makes it extremely versatile. I mentioned the gimmick "wearing out." Don't worry, it's not the kind of thing where it will break during performance or anything like that. You'll know, well in advance that it's time to consider replacing it. You'll never be in a situation where a performance is screwed up because of the gimmick. It's not that kind of thing.

Lastly, I'll just say this about the method. It allows you to be in a position that's way ahead of your audience. They think that some object (coin, card, etc.) is marked when it's actually not.

Xpert Review: Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy and trailer are solid. If anything, they undersell how deceptive some of the effects truly are. Not much to say here folks.

Xpert Review: Product Quality

The gimmick is excellent. It works perfectly and is very well made. The training video is loaded with tons of ideas and effects, etc. Plus, you're given a 3 page PDF that fills in a few gaps that were missing from the training DVD. Further, a second PDF contains a list of chapter titles from the training video along with the starting time on the video. This allows you to navigate to various effects more easily, something that's missing from many of the streaming/download videos.

Finally, the tutorial on how to make this gimmick was extremely valuable.

XPert Review - Magic Reviewed

Xpert Review: Final Thoughts

I wish I could tell you what the gimmick is. I think that many of you would want it just for the gimmick. But, since I can't, let me just say that if you like any of the effects and/or you have a need to secretly make your audience believe that the marked object is over "here" when it's really over "there" then you'll be very happy with your purchase.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

Available at your Favorite Magic Dealer. Dealer's see Penguin Magic for details.
(Top ▲)

Brad Henderson

Official Reviewer

Feb 06, 2004

Ok, this product has universally received the highest of accolades. Here's the real scoop. You are getting a tool. A tool has power depending on the hands of the craftsman. For some people, this will be a devious weapon in their arsenal. For others, another $20 item to go into their junk drawer.

However, I do encourage you to try out the routines provided. Neil Tobin has included 4 very nice routines which anyone can do pretty much right out of the box. Unfortunately by giving us four, some people won't know where to begin. Do the bent coin trick. You will feel as if you got your money's worth immediately. Also, seek out Tim Trono's handling. It too is very good.

Ok, so what can you do with this tool?

Basically it allows for the manipulation of markings on certain objects. Because of this you can do clever one ahead tricks, marked bent object effects, etc. There is also a collection of ideas online for those who have the product, I believe. I have looked at a handful of these and I think this is the best way to judge the product, from the problems it has solved and the ideas it has helped produce.

The product is VERY well made and the instructions are fine. Like my review of the Golden Shells, I have a hard time giving a tool 5 stars unless it came with totally complete routines that were stunning. As it comes with good routines, and the prop is perfect for what it is, I give it a strong four in hopes it will encourage creative types to invest and come up with something wonderful.
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