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Magician's Magic Book

Paul Curry

(Based on 1 review)

"No recent book on magic . . . reveals so many inside secrets." - Martin Gardner

Known among veteran magicians for his invention of many new tricks and his imaginative twists of old ones, Paul Curry incorporated thoroughly engrossing material with a style that was truly elegant. This book by a "magician's magician" discloses the secrets behind a collection of close-up marvels--including the author's "Out of the World," reputed to be the best card trick of the past century.


Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Oct 05, 2015

Magician’s Magic is an under rated book on magic. Paul Curry was an unequivocal genius in the world of magic. He created “Out of this World” and countless other magic and mentalism effects. This book covers the history of magic, and the basic principles behind it.

He covers everything from the Maskelyne Levitation to the classic “Rising Ring on Pencil” so that the reader can appreciate the complex elements of stage illusions, while being able to go out and show people magic at the drop of a hat.

There’s an entire chapter devoted to Houdini, levitation, mentalism, and spirit communication.

Each chapter is written with a simplicity, and a sort of love and passion for the art of magic. You see his creativity and the scholarly approach come across on every page.

At the very end, you get to learn the ORIGINAL “Out of this World” in the creators own words. There are SO many versions in the literature with complicated set ups, gimmicked decks, or sleight of hand. The original is still a wonderful lesson in simplicity and spectator management.

The book also includes the legendary story of when Harry Green performed the trick for Sir Winston Churchill. After the Prime Minister dealt the cards face down into two piles, and it was revealed he separated the cards into red piles and black piles, he was so astonished that he asked to see the trick again six more times. He ended up being late for parliament, and when he arrived at 2 a.m. finally, a reporter for the London Times the Prime Minister was “befogged.”

Whether you are a total beginner, or a seasoned performer, this is a wonderful love letter to our art, and it’s history. You’ll also learn some classic and clever methods along the way!
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