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3 Ropes and 1000 Laughs

Fisher, Cody

The Magic Estate

(Based on 3 reviews)
Straight out of Cody fisher's corporate comedy act!

3 ROPES AND A 1000 LAUGHS is Cody Fisher's professional comedy rope routine. It's a 5-10 minute rope routine that is full of comedy, high on audience participation, fits in your pockets and can play to thousands!

Not only will Cody share every detail of his routine with you he will also share his valuable advice on how to create more comedy with your magic and how to play your comedy to different audiences. From start to finish this routine guarantees there won't be a dry seat it the house! 3 ROPES AND A 1000 LAUGHS is the FUNNIEST rope routine on the planet!

Packs small plays huge!
Highly visual rope magic!
5 -10 minute multiphase routine!
Hysterical audience interaction!
Includes the original PDF instructions and script!

the FUNNIEST rope routine on the planet!


Aaron Payne

Oct 01, 2015

I absolutely love this product. Will it give you a 1,000 laughs that depends on how well of a performer you are, but this is amazing. If you do parlor,stage,or street performing, etc. You can do this it is amazing why haven't you bought this yet.
(Top ▲)

Official Reviewer

Aug 09, 2015


This is a very creative version of The Professor's Nightmare. For decades, most performers have been presenting this routine, basically the same way. Cody has taken the routine and created a very engaging and humorous routine.


The routine has mature topic suggestions. Cody claims he performs it this way with 99.9% of audiences with no problem. However, he does have suggestions for how to modify the routine without the suggestive innuendo.

You don't have to perform the routine as he does, however, you just might be inspired by his really creative and entertaining rendition of this classic.


A must have for anyone who performs The Professor's Nightmare routine or anyone who might want to.
(Top ▲)

Jun 09, 2015

“3 Ropes and a Thousand Laughs” is Cody Fisher’s comedy presentation for his three rope routine. This release is being marketed as a presentation, more than a method, making it an interesting product to review. Given that, I thought the best approach would be to answer the questions I would have, were I considering purchasing this routine.

The first question is, of course, is the routine actually funny? The short answer is “yes.” The DVD includes a live performance clip, during which the audience genuinely laughs throughout. However, it’s important to keep in mind that any given script or presentation will play differently for different performers, as well as in various venues and for varying audiences. Therefore it’s also important to know what kind and type of humor is being used, and whether it’s based on jokes, puns, situation comedy, character, etc., so you can determine if it will work for you.

It wouldn’t be fair to give the routine away, so let’s just say the crux of the presentation is suggestive. However, no foul language is used, nor are any body parts named. What’s important to know is that the lengths of the ropes are fundamental to the humor in the routine. You’ll notice in my description that I’m not explicitly saying what the humor is about. You should know that Mr. Fisher’s routine operates in the same way. The setup of the jokes allows the audience to draw their own conclusion, meaning the routine itself is relatively PG-13.

Nevertheless, the routine is suggestive, which may cause some performers pause. However, Mr. Fisher says that he performs the routine as described in 99.9% of his corporate shows and that he has never had anyone have a problem with the routine. And that’s just the corporate market. For colleges or comedy clubs, this routine is downright tame. The DVD also includes tips on softening the premise, as well as ways to discuss it with the person who hired you, should you have any concern.

The effect Mr. Fisher performs in the routine is a version of Professor’s Nightmare, beginning with a single piece of rope cut into three different sized pieces. He performs a stretching sequence, after which the rope is restored into a single piece. Mr. Fisher uses a standard handling for the Professor’s Nightmare, though he has a nice touch when he counts the ropes that is quite lovely. His method for the final restoration is clever, and he also offers some useful tips on the overall handling and performance. Instruction is clear and the camerawork is excellent.

This routine is exactly what it says it is: a comedy rope routine. Performed well, it will generate laughs. I would call it a workhorse presentation, in that the premise, once established, is somewhat predictable, though reliably funny. I did find the evolution of the script interesting in that it’s based entirely on what Mr. Fisher’s audience has said over the years. Every smart performer steals lines from his or her audience, but in this case those lines compose an entire routine. Which means the routine isn’t about the performer’s point of view, what he or she thinks, has to say, finds interesting or deems worth communicating. It’s one long joke. Not that there’s anything wrong with jokes, but it’s worth considering your act, what you want to say, what kind of experience you wish the audience to have and how you want them to remember you. If this routine seems like a fit for you and your approach, you’ll have great success with it.
(Top ▲)