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Madame Blavatsky - Spiritual Traveller

Donna Zuckerbrot

(Based on 1 review)
Windows Media Video File View Clip

At a time when women, like children, were expected to be seen and not heard it was said that she left her husband to become a trick rider in the circus, traveling alone she entered forbidden Tibet, she was a spiritual genius and the mother of the new age. On the other hand there are those who say she was a fraud whose real talent was that she knew how to tell a good tale. Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age. Her respect for eastern culture and religion, for Buddhism and Hinduism has had a far reaching impact on the modern world.

Running Time Approximately 48min


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Jun 10, 2010

Madam Blavatsky, who art thou Madam Blavatsky? Have you ever wondered this? Or are you more in the club of I've-never-heard-of-her-until-you-said-her-name-just-now? That's where I was until I watched this documentary. The only reason I watched it is because it is a Donna Zuckerbrot documentary. You know what they say, "Never play cards with a man named Jack", "Don't eat yellow snow", and "There's no such thing as a bad Zuckerbrot documentary."

This DVD only further proves the truth of that statement. You learn a great deal about the history of the "New Age" movement including things that you wouldn't even associate with said movement . . . Yoga for example (not to be confused with that goopy fruit flavored stuff from Yoplait). As it happens, Madam Blavatsky was the pioneer of the a whole new way of looking at spirituality and religion. I don't want to spoil too much of it for you. You need to watch it.

But just to mention a few things . . . she had "proof" of some of her "past-life" experiences; she claimed all sorts of strange things that, as you can imagine (or maybe you can't imagine because when you were a kid you were locked in an orange barrel with your imaginary friends Larry, Darryl and Darryl in their orange vest apparel, and you were told to stay there until your imagination was dead), her life was full of controversy. It was, however, also full of mystery and romance and more. The time has come, as Madam Blavatsky predicted, that you must stop reading this review and buy this DVD. It's an amazing and well shot documentary that is fascinating to watch, but you already know that because at the end of the previous sentence, you stopped reading this review and bought the DVD.

Credits: Parenthetical digression inspired by and mostly copied from Orange Barrels By Todd Yohn
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