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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Candy Store

(Based on 1 review)
The magician displays a beautiful wooden stand, brightly decorated as a candy store. The front panel is opened to show six candy canes inside. The magician visibly removes three of the candy canes and closes front panel. After a wave of the hand, the magician opens the front door again and the three canes have somehow returned! Beautifully made, easily visible for large audiences.


Steve Giles

Feb 03, 2004

The Candy store is an ideal trick to do around Christmas time but could be done any time of the year without any problems.

Although beautifully made I found that if not careful you can easily give the game away by 'glimpsing ' the extra canes.

As you can't really show the back of the candy store I can't see why the canes that reappear could just be on a hinged flap and then they could be 3 dimesional rather than the flat ones in the trick.

The main thing I really hate about this trick is as far as I am concerned you only get half the trick. The trick is you have 6 candy canes in a candy store you remove 3 and vanish them, only for them to reappear back in the store but no method is given on how to vanish the candy canes.

Yes you could use it as a production, but then only doing it once is not enough. The whole idea is to make them vanish and reappear. So give me the other part of the trick.

I really hate it when you have to fix, change or in this case find a way to finish of the trick. For $90 I want the whole trick not just half of it.

Saying all this it's not a bad trick although it lacks a bit of suspense which I feel all childrens tricks should have. Maybe if it sold for $50 I would be more impressed.
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