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Wallet Weapon

Barnes, Lloyd

Enigma, Ltd.

(Based on 2 reviews)
"Wallet Weapon is extremely deceptive and very devious! A must for all close up performers!"- James Brown //Professional Opportunist.

The Wallet Weapon is a powerful, unique and dynamic utility device that you'll carry with you at all times.

Specifically designed to be built in to your wallet with materials you almost certainly have at home right now.

Switch playing cards, banknotes, predictions and even perform visual changes that leave you totally clean. The possibilities for this are only limited by your own imagination.

Easy to construct. One second reset. Perfect for walk around performers.

As with every Enigma Ltd product, this DVD comes in beautifully designed luxury packaging.

Run time: 59 mins.


Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Sep 22, 2015


Audiences really love effects with cards to impossible locations. The card to wallet is a great effect. I really love creative card to wallet effects that use regular wallets. This effect is possibly one of the two best card to regular wallet effects available. The Other is the Wallet Transformer by Cameron Francis. I think both are very worthy purchases. What I like about this one is you have a folded card in one of the credit card slots that turns into their signed card. The method is very well thought out and the instruction is good. What I really like about this is that it is very self contained in your wallet. You set it up and it is good to go. All you need to do is do the routine, open the wallet and remove their signed card.

This is suitable for amateurs and pros. It would work well in close-up, walk-around, and parlor. I can’t see how it would be suitable for stage. It does involve a mercury card fold sleight, but the routine has huge cover and misdirection so you don’t even need to hide the move.


There are expensive wallets that will do card to wallet in impressive fashion. However, personally, I like to carry a regular wallet, not an expensive gimmick wallet. I personally like Cameron Francis’ Wallet Tranformer, but this one is really nice.


I just love his routine! I think it is fabulous. In his routine, the participant first holds his wallet, and then selects and signs a card. He takes the card back, turns it over, and hands it to them to hold. He then causes their card to change to a different card in their hands. He then takes his wallet back, opens his wallet and removes their signed and now folded card from the wallet.

However, it just seemed to be a bit disjointed to me between the first card selection changing to a random card and the revelation of the original selection from the wallet. Good magic should always have logical flow. There should always be a “why” to each step. With my routine described below, you would just need to add a blank card to your deck of cards.

My twist on this is to hand them their selection and ask them to imagine the ink from their card rising off the card and swirling in the air. Then ask them to imagine the ink changing into a different card, any card, in mid air and falling back down on the blank card. When they open their hands, they will be surprised to see their card has gone blank. At this point, you talk about how their imagination was strong enough to remove the ink, but where did it go? Have them hand you the wallet and tell them that you keep a blank card in your wallet. Remove the folded card revealing the writing went to the card in the wallet. This routine bring a bit more theater and drama to the presentation, and it ties the two magic moments together more cleanly.

Happy magic trails to you.
(Top ▲)

Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Feb 04, 2015

Before I start the review, a small rant about magic DVDs: I am so annoyed with magic DVDs that spend the first five to ten minutes showing me multiple performances of the same trick, and going on and on about how great the trick is. I've already bought the trick, why the need to continue to sell me on it? Also, when did this cooking show style of magic explanations happen? Why do I need to be told the items I need twice? I can just rewind!

All this aside, the effect looks really clean, the move is absolutely invisible, and the gimmick can be made into almost any hip pocket wallet. The preparation will take a little while, but once it's made, you are set to do over & over. And it doesn't get in the way of your normal, everyday wallet. The DVD does ramble on a bit and repeats itself, but the information, when we finally get it, is clear.

With a lot of options on the market for this kind of effect, this is an affordable, useable, natural option. If you are a beginner wanting to do a card to wallet effect without having to spend fifty to one hundred dollars, this is worth your attention.

I'm not a fan of the 'visual' changes taught on the DVD. It think this draws attention to the gimmick and the move, and will cause laypeople to want to examine the wallet. Even if they don't, the magic moment still happens at your crotch, which is not the ideal.

All this aside, I can't think of a cleaner card to wallet option for only twenty bucks. This is a great deal. If you don't do a card to wallet yet, this is a great place to start.
(Top ▲)