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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Once Upon a Time

Dobson, Wayne


(Based on 1 review)
You show two spectators a little booklet entitled "Once Upon A Time". The booklet is put to one side to be referred to later. You hand each spectator half of the pack of cards. Each spectator cuts their individual pile of cards into two; turns one of their piles over and then swaps the turned over pile with the other spectator.

Each spectator then shuffles the pile of cards they have been given with their remaining pile of cards. This can be done as many times as you like. The two piles are then shuffled together by one of the spectator to end up with a completely random deck of cards that contains a mixture of face up and face down cards.

You then hand over the booklet to one of the spectators and invite them to read each page of the booklet followed by verifying what is read out by counting the cards. This confirms that the revelation on each page was, indeed, correct.

The great thing about this particular effect is that the magician never touches the cards!

This is self-working with an instant reset.


Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Mar 28, 2014

I’ve always loved Simon Aronson’s “Shufflebored” and have been looking for an engaging presentation on it for a while. This is a wonderfully charming prop and presentation for this effect.

The DVD itself is a little long winded, but you won’t have any trouble learning this effect. They also give extensive crediting.

The booklet is actually a sheet of paper that when folded up looks like a tiny book. The book “unfolds” as you tell the story and reveal the predictions, and ends with a jumbo image of the final card. My biggest issue is the text on the front of the ‘book’ is black on brown printing, and is difficult to read in low lighting. All the predictions are clear and can be seen at quite a distance.

I’ve been using this in my professional work, and I know I will continue to do so. The reactions are more than satisfying, and the presentation helps make the procedure entertaining! I may make a personalized version with different predictions and a clearer book ‘cover’ for continued use.

If you already know or do a version of “Shufflebored” then you don’t need this product. If you want to learn this effect and want a charming presentation for it, this is a great product worth your consideration.

Four Stars
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