
Jamie Badman & Colin Miller

Vanishing, Inc.

(Based on 1 review)
From the Underground Collective (Jamie Badman and Colin Miller), the creators of Heirloom, one of the best-selling tricks of the last decade, comes a miracle that elevates things to a whole new level. Legacy is the kind of trick we search for as magicians. It's self-contained, can be carried with you at all times, and it automatically performs an astounding trick that also let's you give a compelling presentation. They get to know YOU and YOUR MAGIC during the effect.

The effect is simple: a story of your grandfather's greatest magic trick, performed using his original props. You remove a poker hand from his old wallet and have someone think of one of the cards in the hand. You then show that even from the grave, your grandfather knew exactly which one the participant freely picked.

Legacy is an easy to perform, completely sleight-free routine that comes with a custom-made soft-leather wallet, pre-aged props and a collection of strong routines to suit a variety of styles. This is a blockbuster effect that you will be proud to carry with you.

Includes custom leather wallet and specially printed gimmicks.


Christopher Carey

Official Reviewer

May 12, 2011

I really wanted to love Jamie Badman and Colin Miller's LEGACY, I really did. Unfortunately, I don't even like it. Let me say that I love the stuff put out by Vanishing Inc. The owners love magic, perform magic, eat and drink magic. They have a great track record of not selling you sh*t.

Which is why this is so disappointing. The effect, put as simply as I can, is that you remove five playing cards from a wallet and have someone name one of them. You can then show that you predicted the outcome, no matter which card they name. It's very straightforward and the creators suggest it's strong enough to carry with you everywhere. I couldn't disagree more.

In the effort to create the perfect prediction that ANYONE can do and covers all bases, Badman and Miller have actually weakened the overall effect. I would much rather, through language and equivoque, limit the amount of choices the spectator has to always have, more or less, the same ending. I think three of the five endings here are fine, but the other two are just awful.

The five cards that are included look great. They are appropriately "aged" and look like something from your Grandfather's tin box. The FRONT of the photographs that are included look fine, I suppose, if the story you're going to use can put your Grandfather or Uncle or "Mentor" at about 50 years old in the year 1946. It looks fine, but limits your story. The back of the photos are supposed to look old as well, but up close, look like they were aged by a board game maker. Pretty bad. No one would fall for this. The wallet is a brown Himber Wallet and given that this is a close-up effect, is terrible-looking for the task at hand. Himber wallets always looked odd to me anyway and any layperson who's ever seen or owned a "Magic Wallet" will instantly recognize the elastic bands and extra thickness. Because of the two awful revelations I mentioned earlier, you'll practically be screaming for audiences to notice this.

And now comes the worst part of all, the story. It's so cliche' and sentimental that it turns my stomach. In a point in magic history when we should be making every effort to insert more truth and more of ourselves into our magic, this sappy, contrived nonsense gives you nothing but a hook from a set of magic instructions.

LEGACY is trying to be all things to all magicians. A sure-fire method, an automatic story you can monkey your way through, and "authentic" props from yesteryear. Magic shops will probably sell a lot of these to aspiring amateurs. Hopefully they'll take it, change the story and props, and make it into something wonderful. The rest of us should steer clear.

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