Eggink, Peter
Empty Hand Productions
Predicting the "mate" of the selection is pretty nice... and since there's only ONE 3 of Spades in the pack, the 2 of Spades would be the next best thing... unless you'd be able to actually "clone" a mutation of their card...
With ZERO MOVES the bottom pip of the 2 of Spades is now magically CLONING itself and ANIMATES across the surface of the card, creating the 3 of Spades!!!
Without any funny moves the card is now removed from underneath the cellophane and handed straight away to the spectator for her to keep as a truly unique souvenir!
Comes complete with hand-built gimmicked card box, custom printed cards and the online full training video.
"Sometimes magic is universal and the visuals speak for themselves! Peter's creation is such an effect! No camera tricks. This is 100% real folks!!!!"
- Matt Johnson