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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

E.S.P. Testing Deck

Michel & Greco


(Based on 1 review)
These cards are built with the best material and the marking system is clearly visible to the performer but completely invisible to the audience.

With this deck you have a powerful marked and ordered deck that allows you to perform clear and shocking miracles.

You receive 25 marked ESP cards of the best quality. Comes with full instructions and four stunning effects


Paul Budd

Official Reviewer

Apr 02, 2023


So, a little ground work is in order here:
I am writing this in early Spring 2023. I was sent this item Summer 2022 for review, fully packaged, unopened. The insert card (notice I did not write 'instruction' card) is pretty cool and makes LOADS of promises. Six routines via web link videos AND a pdf with 4 more routines. Problem is: NONE of the links work. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Dead-in-the-water. That is a hardcore 1-star demotion, hands down (on the best of days). Yes, this was released easily 6 years ago (maybe even a bit farther back) AND there is also a jumbo size deck too(cool concept), but: if you can't include a 3-cent instruction sheet, you should at least have rock solid website delivery on your instructions.

I tried 2 different browsers and the Chrome browser on my smart phone: crickets. Even the good people at Penguin Magic (under no obligation to do so) sent me the link they had: same one, dead on arrival. These appear here-and-there on YouTube, but no major instructions (which is sort of a good thing, really).

I even filled out Vernet's customer service form (which was a confusing task unto itself)... 3 times, mind you. Zero reply -- not even a "We'll get back to you" auto-reply.
The cards and marks a pretty solid, and nicely designed and I figured out the marks in about 3 minutes. If one is industrious and scours YouTube, etc. AND has a lead on a few good mentalism books, it is possible to put together a few good bits with these (applicable to any ESP deck)I suppose. If you are patient, experienced AND creative... sure give these a try! Otherwise: look elsewhere. I am keeping this deck, but still feel disappointed.


This is a marked ESP deck, fairly standard. The instructions allegedly teach 6 routines.


The front (with the symbols) are black and well designed. The applicable marks are pretty easy to spot from a distance.

Product Quality

The actual cards/box are well designed. But: the instructions contain a broken link(s), so that's a HUGE issue, from a review standpoint.

Ad Copy Integrity

Well, hard to gauge: As I can't access the site/pdf referenced on the enclosed card.

Final Thoughts

If you're a haggard, mentalism rock star: These are great! Otherwise, seek a competitor's product.
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