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Smoked 2.0

Dearman, Christopher;

Axcreations Inc.

(Based on 2 reviews)
VANISH a FULL pack of cigarettes
From inside the pack

With this product there are two different effects that can be done...

Basic "NON-Smoking" Effect:
The performer brings out a pack of cigarettes. Opening the lid, the performer shows the spectators that the pack is indeed full. After closing the lid and a magical pass over the packs lid... The performer opens the lid again and the pack is completely empty.

Basic "Smoking" effect:
The performer brings out a pack of cigarettes. Opening the lid, the performer shows the spectators that the pack is indeed full. Performer removes one cigarette, closes the lid, and lights the cigarette. Blowing smoke at the pack, the lid is then re-opened, and it is now found to be empty.


Includes two precision-made SMOKED gimmicks.

Allows you to vanish a full pack of cigarettes, or transform them into anything that fits in a pack!
cash, gum, business cards, candy, crayons, bullets, toy skeleton or skull, etc.

Thirty-two page photo-illustrated Instruction booklet that describes three full SMOKED routines, with numerous tips & patter suggestions.

Perfect for quit smoking or anti-smoking demonstrations!

Option to show the pack full or remove a cigarette before the vanish.

Resets in seconds or you can tear pack to pieces!

Perform completely surrounded.

DVD of QUIT by Stephane Krief: detailing additional vanishing cigarettes gimmick & performance ideas.


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Aug 16, 2014

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Smoked 2.0 by Christopher Dearman Review:

Two gimmicks, one booklet, one DVD, one arts and crafts project and $30 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Vanish the cigarettes from a pack of cigarettes. In its place can be anything that fits in a cigarette box. Change the cigarettes into money, Nicorette, candy, etc.


There are two methods. One is Stephane Krief's method called Quit. This version requires an arts and crafts project which is explained in depth on the DVD. The other version is Christopher Dearman's supplied gimmick that is taught in the booklet. Each method is simple to use and there are pros and cons to each. With Krief's homemade gimmick, you have the advantage of having the pack of cigarettes look very realistic and they can be shown much more freely and openly. But you can't do the cigarettes to candy (or other object) effects with this gimmick.

With Dearman's gimmick, you have the advantage of being able to change the cigarettes into anything else, but the gimmick doesn't look near as good as Krief's. Still, it will pass a brief look from the spectators. Neither version can be examined.

Both versions can end where you tear the box to shreds if you wish. Doing this with Dearman's version is easier. Also, with Krief's version, if you're planning on ending with a torn up cig box, you can't quite display the box as freely during the presentation.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is solid for sure. It's as good as it claims and looks. No issues here.

Product Quality

The DVD is definitely low production quality, but it still gets across everything needed to make the gimmick. For the majority of the different handling suggestions, Krief briefly walks through them without going into much detail. He also half-walks through the way you would handle it for the tearing up of the box.

The booklet is produced well and covers a lot of material in decent depth. The only problem I had was that in the effects that cause the cigarettes to change into other objects, there was very little info given on how to handle the gimmick properly to prevent it from "talking" too soon. In particular, there was one routine where the cigs change into nails. That's noisy. There were no tips, that I saw, that show you how to properly handle it without the nails "talking."

The gimmicks supplied are well made, but they look nowhere near as good as the homemade gimmick that Krief teaches us how to make. Finally, in the booklet, there were tons of tips and ideas and lines and presentational ideas that make this more than just a "trick."

Final Thoughts

If you liked the idea of vanishing the cigs from the box, then you'll be very happy with the Krief DVD supplied. If you're wanting to make cigs vanish and in their place have something else, then you'll be reasonably happy with the Dearman booklet and gimmick. Lucky for you, you don't have to choose. You get 'em both for $30 bucks. For the price and all the stuff you get including some good methods for vanishing cigarettes, it's hard to not give this a decent rating.

Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

(Top ▲)

Joe Diamond

Official Reviewer

Jun 21, 2014

For thirty bucks you get two gimmicks, a booklet, and a DVD of how to make a similar gimmick.

For starters, the effect is very strong, and ends very clean. It’s a nice update of a classic principle. The booklet does a good job of explaining how to use the gimmick, and gives a few different ideas and presentation angles.

The DVD shows how to make a similar gimmick, and some clever ideas on how to reproduce the cigarettes. The gentleman on the DVD seems nice enough, but the performance and teaching were really boring and slow. It was hard to get through the DVD. That said, the instructions were clear and concise, even though they were not so engaging.

The gimmicks provided are very well made, and will last a lifetime. The gimmick you make may need to be replaced from time to time, but is not too expensive, or too difficult to make.

This is another product where there isn’t TOO much to say. If you watched the demo, and you liked it, then you will be happy with your purchase!

Four Stars
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