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Victorian Coins and Glass

Harbottle, Kainoa

Kozmomagic Inc.

(Based on 4 reviews)
This is Kainoa's pet routine, and it is a real-world wonder. If you've seen him lecture or perform, chances are you've seen him do it. Whether tablehoppingor on stage, performing for three people or 300, Victorian Coins and Glass is strong, interactive coin magic at its finest.

Includes instructional DVD with the complete routine as well as additional ideas and live performances (1 hr 22 min). Also includes the glass. You provide the coins and that extra something special.


Paul Budd

Official Reviewer

Sep 11, 2022


"Victorian Coins and Glass" is a lovely addition to anyone's collection/repertoire. Kainoa Harbottle is a polished, but accessible performer. His teaching is truly world class. I haven't quite had the time to put all of this into action just yet, but it is a profound work indeed!

The DVD also has a couple of nice bonus effects that will not disappoint! While the glass is not gimmicked, its construction is utilized (somewhat) in the delivery of the effect. The is a MUST BUY TODAY effect. You could spend 3 days on this, merely getting a feel for it (that isn't a negative, it will be a fun time, I promise!) There are a few sleights required, but nothing too crazy and it does not come with coins/gimmick (all very easy to purchase, trust me).


A lovely coin routine, presenting 4 coins and a lovely drinking glass. Utilizing a good bit of spectator involvement, coins jump, vanish and do all manner of magical things.


The effect does require 4 coins and an easy to obtain gimmick (all provided by performer). The glass helps a bit with the illusion(s) but is ungimmicked. Lots of fun spectator handling and interaction.

Product Quality

Packaging, the DVD and the glass are all top rate. As the DVD is produced by Kozmo magic, it is a delight to watch. Chapters are laid out nicely. But remember:you get the glass but not the coins/gimmicked thing.

Ad Copy Integrity

Perfectly does the trick justice. Not one ounce of lies. It is actually more laid back than it should be! You will get and be able to learn MORE than you read in the ad copy, I promise.


Excellent for bar magic. Almost excellent for walk-around, although the glass makes things a tiny bit awkward for that. Will play for a party of wedding guests, or a clutch of 6 year-old kids!
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James Sanden

Official Reviewer

Jan 08, 2016

Kainoa Harbottle is known for his sophisticated and difficult sleight of hand with coins. Breaking from that trend, in his latest release, “Victorian Coins and Glass,” he shares a routine that requires minimal sleight of hand, but which has a great deal of magic built in to it. Much of this “sleightless” magic comes as a result of adding an ungimmicked (though specially designed) glass to the routine.

The origin of the effect stems from Mr. Harbottle’s desire to have coin magic play to a larger audience. The use of the glass furthers this goal dramatically, as it adds not only a visual, but an aural, dimension to the performance. In addition, as he points out in the introduction, the glass also makes the routine more practical, easier to perform and makes it significantly more interactive than the majority of coin routines one sees performed.

The effect taught is a multi phase coins across where the coins disappear from the included glass, held by a spectator, with the first two coins appearing in the magician’s hands, the third appearing in a spectator’s hands, and the final coin disappearing from a spectator’s hand and appearing in the hand of a second spectator. The structure of the routine is elegant and escalates naturally. The vanish of the final coin does require one of the spectators to play along, which may intimidate some performers, but Mr. Harbottle discusses the script he uses to induce cooperation, as well as how he designed the phase so that the spectator is motivated to keep the secret.

Three performances for real world audiences are included: one for a couple, one for a full restaurant table and one at a bar. As always, the inclusion of full performances for actual people is a welcome addition.

The method is not self working, but does not require extremely sophisticated sleight of hand. It’s efficient with a very elegant design that, when combined with the glass, makes for quite a magical routine. Mr. Harbottle’s experience as a teacher is apparent in his explanations. The instruction is complete, well thought out and clear. Each section begins with a live performance of the corresponding phase of the routine, followed by the explanation. In addition, sections dealing with specific moments in the routine and audience management are included. Two bonus effects are also taught: a coin production ideal for opening the routine, as well as a copper/silver effect. The coin production is lovely and takes advantage of both the theatrical and secret aspects of the glass. The copper/silver routine is also excellent, though it’s of note the glass isn’t needed when performing it. It should also be mentioned there is one interlude effect seen in one of the performances that isn’t explained on the DVD, though most basic coin workers will be able to work out the handling. In addition to the glass, one other gimmick is necessary, though it’s a common one, and in all likelihood the buyer will have one in his or her prop drawer.

The included glass is extremely well designed and allows not only for the coins to disappear from a glass held by an audience member, but also has another feature that allows the magician to be clean at several key moments during the routine. The isolation of the coins in the glass throughout the performance changes the feel of the entire effect, dramatically increasing the magical nature of the routine, making it play larger and feel more theatrical. It’s beautiful to watch. Whether or not the viewer uses the routine taught on the DVD, the glass in and of itself is worth the price of the release.

“Victorian Coins and Glass” takes a standard coins across routine and elevates it dramatically, making it play bigger, appear more magical, feel more theatrical, all while making it easier to perform. If Mr. Harbottle were just selling the glass for $30 it would be a bargain. With the addition of his practical, effective and powerful routine, this is a no brainer. I give it my highest recommendation.
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Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Oct 03, 2015


Kainoa developed this routine so he could do a coin routine for a small OR large audience. The benefit of doing the coin routine with a glass is it add the audio quality that plays to not only small audiences, but larger audiences as well.

It comes with a glass that is the perfect size and design. It is a small 4.5 ounce glass, so it could fit easily in a jacket pocket. It has designs that make coins appear to disappear in the glass. The quality of the glass is very good. While this isn't the first application of this sort of glass (A rocks glass), this particular glass has some very good properties and the perfect size.

The instruction is very good and very thorough. He teaches some really good moves. The moves are not particularly difficult. With a bit of practice, they are not difficult to master.

The product is true to the ad copy. The ad copy is very specific about how it comes with instruction and a glass. You provide the coins and a certain common magic gimmick. In watching the DVD, I came to the conclusion that you could do similar routines with a couple different types of coin gimmicks.

At the end of the DVD are two wonderful bonus effects:
The first is a coin production. This is an excellent way to produce four coins to start the routine.
The second is a two-coin routine. This is a very nice copper silver routine. It involves a silver coin, a Chinese coin, and a silver coin gimmick that fits over either of the coins. It is very nice.

One more thing Kainoa talks about is how the glass can really be used as utility device with a lot of potential. In the suggestions section, I share a few ideas.


While the glass is small, the routine is designed for this specific glass. A couple points to consider. Either you need to carry this glass with you, or you might be able to do the routine with a different rocks style glass, but this particular glass works very well. Kainoa’s reason for having the glass routine is so it plays bigger, given the sound of the coins dropping into the glass. So, the con of having to carry the glass with you is the pro of having the added impact of sound.


A wonderful routine, well taught, and with a great glass prop.


The glass is really excellent, and I now see how much it really adds to the magic through sound. I have played a bit with some of the coin routines I do, using the glass. For example, I do a routine with Mark Mason’s Double Deception coins. These are very different gimmicks from the ones used in this DVD, but I can see that the Double Deception coins could be used wonderfully well with the glass, given a coin under the glass virtually disappears. I have road-tested successfully a few times the following routine: I place the glass with a coin underneath on a participant’s hand, drop the double deception gimmick into the glass and ask them to place their other hand on top of the glass. After a bit of a magic gesture, I ask them to remove their hand and ask another participant to take the glass from the first participant’s hand. One participant is left with a single coin in their hand and the other has a single coin in the glass. I started the routine by drinking a bit of tea from the glass and wiping it with a handkerchief. After the routine with the glass, I went into one of the Double Deception routines with the same handkerchief. It works stunningly!

Another idea I have played with a bit comes from the quality of this particular glass where there is a recess in the bottom. I created half circles of clear tape using a quarter as a template. I use several of these to give it some support. I then cut a larger half circle of clear tape and stick it to the small half circles. This whole thing is stuck to the bottom of the glass. The result is a “ledge” on the bottom of the glass. Placing a coin on this ledge creates a sort of slotted boston box effect. I can show the glass empty, take three coins including a s***l gimmick coin, drop them in the glass, give the glass a shake, and one drops out the bottom. I remove the tape gimmick as I hand the glass to a participant to examine.

I haven’t tried this yet, but I would think that some of the ideas in “Imagination Coins” might also work well with this glass.

One more idea I thought of but haven't tried is to drink some liquid from the glass, perhaps tea would work well, perform a bit, secretly refill the glass, drink some more, and perhaps get away with this a third time.

I really think that if you think about any coin routines you currently do, there is a chance you might be able to incorporate the glass and some of Kainoa's ideas into your routine for greater impact.
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Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

Oct 01, 2015

When I first heard that this was being released, I was really excited because Kainoa is one of my favorite coin workers. I purchased this as soon as I was able and I am glad I did...

First of all, let me get the usual stuff out of the way: This DVD was produced by Kozmo Magic, so the video, audio and lighting quality were absolutely stellar. The menu was nicely laid out and easy to navigate. You can watch the video via the Play All button or chapter by chapter, including the two bonus effects included on the disc. You also get a very good quality glass that will help you with some parts of the routine. It is not gimmicked in any way, but I speak from experience when I say they can be a pain in the butt to find. More on the glass later.

The routine itself is very well thought out and it is easy to do. It does require a turtle gimmick (or those things you find on the beach) but there are no knuckle-busting sleights and the most advanced sleight used in the whole routine is an ROV (Retention of Vision) pass, and even then, you could substitute another type of vanish if you like.

This routine plays like a Coins Across and that is in fact what it is, but instead of everything taking place in the hands of the magician, it takes places in the hands of your audience volunteers. Now that is what makes this so strong. In this case of this routine, you introduce the glass and the coins, one of them holds the glass, they see four coins go into the glass, they see your hands empty, then one coin appears in your hand. This is very clean. Further, you then very cleanly dump the three remaining coins out of the glass onto their hand, where the glass has been sitting the whole time!

For the second phase, the see three go in the glass and one in your hand. A moment later, you have two coins in your hand and there are two left in the glass, which are once more poured out onto their hand.

Both times, except for placing the coins into the glass, you go nowhere near it - this is mind boggling to laypeople. The third and fourth coins are handled just as cleanly, but they both wind up appearing the hands of a third and fourth volunteer.

BUT, there is something very cool that you do with the fourth coin first. You have one of the volunteers (usually the one that has been holding the glass for most of the routine) help you with the last coin. What you really do is turn them into what Kainoa calls an 'instant stooge', only, they are not a stooge. What you are actually doing is creating more of a dual-reality situation. To the "stooge", you simply vanished a coin and put nothing into their hand, but to the rest of the audience, that person actually causes a coin to disappear.

There are so many cool things about this kind of situation and Kainoa points out a few of them in the explanations. I will add that beyond what he teaches, it is a very powerful tool and you can really creates some very, very strong and memorable magic with dual-reality and the best part? You are not revealing any secrets to anyone.

Kainoa also gives you lots of audience management tips and ways to deal with potential issues, none of which he has yet to encounter himself, mostly due to the routining and the wow factor of the magic.

There are two bonus effects shown that use the glass and the first one is the very clean production of four coins from nowhere. The second is a fun idea for a Copper/Silver transposition. The four coin production, if performed as taught, will take some work and is rather sleight-heavy, but intermediate and advanced coin workers should not have too much trouble with it. If you wanted to, you could change some of the moves to suit your own skill level. This is not a necessary effect to perform but it does provide a nice way to get into the Coins and Glass routine.

The Copper/Silver effect is quite easy and does require a turtle gimmick, but it is not difficult at all and is a very nice color change.

Now about that glass...the one you get is made by Libbey, so of course it is very sturdy and well-made. The glass itself is not gimmicked but it has a property that helps you with certain parts of the routine. There is a lot you can do using this property and though Kainoa has come up with some very good uses for it, he is not the first to use this type of glass for its properties.

I will mention here that if you are a fan of David Roth (and what coin guy is not?) and you are familiar with his work, this glass will also work very well for one of his effects from his book, Expert Coin Magic by Richard Kaufman and also his video set by the same name.

The great thing about this routine is that it really can be performed at any time during an act and it can be played to take up quite a chunk of time. Personally, I think it would be best-suited as a closer, which is what Kainoa uses it for.

I just have to draw a parallel between this effect and another one that is, in some ways, similar in handling, but the effect is different. That particular effect comes from the DVD by Lonnie Chevrie called 'The Journey' and coincidentally it happens to also have been produced by Kozmo Magic. The effect is called 'Funneled' and the whole idea behind it was to use a kitchen funnel as a substitute for a table for doing 'Coins Through the Table' and bringing it up to chest level, making it more visual. This I believe it does very well - it is clean, clear and easy to follow. Now, the parallel that I wish to make with the Victorian Coins and Glass is that it takes the traditional plot and makes it even cleaner and even stronger - it is a Coins Across that takes place in the hands of spectators rather than the magician. The use of the glass makes it more visual as well as adding an audio feature - they not only see the coins, but they hear them as well. Incidentally, the fact that it happens out of your hands and in theirs makes the magic even stronger and more memorable.

If you are a fan of Kainoa Harbottle or even if you have never heard of him, you will really enjoy this routine. It is easy to do, very magical and very memorable. Whether you like Coins Across or not is not up to me, but either way, this video would be worth your while and your cash just to see it. If you are the type of magician that does not care for Coins Across, this routine just might change your mind, even if it does end up being the only version you like.

For the quality of everything that you are getting and the fact that you are getting the necessary glass to do it with, $30 is an absolute bargain for this! Out of all of the reviews that I have done over the time that I have been doing them, this product is easily within the top 5 products that I have ever reviewed and I have seen some really good stuff out there.

VERY, VERY, VERY highly recommended!

5 stars.


You can get the necessary gimmick from any good magic dealer and you can also get higher quality/custom versions from craftsmen such as Roy Kueppers, Jamie Schoolcraft, Todd Lassen, Auke VanDokkum and Thierry Magikoins.
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