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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

The Token of Life

Luca Volpe; Paul McCaig; Alan Wong

Alan Wong

(Based on 1 review)
The performer introduces a folded paper package, saying that its contents represent the three levels of consciousness.

Each folded layer is opened, revealing another inner paper package, each sheet with a written title of that particular level of consciousness.

From within the final, smallest packet, the performer removes and displays a pewter oracle token, which they explain is used to understand the positive and negative aspects of our lives.

The packets are refolded back inside each other, and the token is given to a participant who is asked to flip it into the air and catch it or spin it on the table. The topic of the reading is determined by which way up the token lands (REMOVE or LIVE LIFE) and expanding on the subject by combining the power of the token with the additional topic cards.

At the end of the reading, the performer asks the participant to unfold the papers once again, revealing that the original blank inner paper now has a written motivational message printed on it, and which the participant may now keep for themselves.

The full routine can be enhanced with a touch of mind-reading, where the performer can also divine which topic is chosen from the cards.

The system blends magic and mentalism (the appearance of the message and the reading/mind reading).

The token can also be used by itself to give quick impromptu readings, as all the main and secondary topics are embossed on both sides of it.

The Token of Life is a compact, self-contained, 'icebreaker' and an ideal EDC for magicians, mentalists, or anyone who would like to include an element of psychic reading into their performance.

Included in the download is a comprehensive instructional booklet pdf and a transcription sample reading pdf with video performance demonstration from Russell J Hall.


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Mar 11, 2024


The Token of Life by Luca Volpe & Paul McCaig (manufactured by Alan Wong) is a psychic reading style routine utilizing some simple props and a canned script designed to inspire the querent. If you are into giving psychic readings and want to present it in a different way, you may want to consider this method.


A querent (someone who sits for a psychic reading) sits through a soliloquy delivered by the performer. As the monologue is being delivered, the Buddha Papers are opened up. They transition from lower self to higher self and higher self again until ultimately a coin is revealed. One side of the coin says LIVE LIFE and the other says REMOVE. These words are associated with two piles of four cards each which also say LIVE LIFE and REMOVE. The coin is shaken between both hands of the querent and tossed on the table. Whichever side the coin falls on the spectator now takes one of the four cards from the associated pile and reads it. Now, another diatribe is repeated by the performer reflecting the chosen card. Ultimately, as this is going on, the Buddha Papers are reopened and instead of the blank page from which the coin was retrieved, an inspirational message magically appears to read to the querent.


As stated before, the entire routine centers around the use of the Buddha Papers and the canned script repeated by the performer. The production of the coin and ultimately the magical appearance of the inspirational message is what the whole “effect” is about. Although not widely used by professional performers, the Buddha Papers has been around since the 1930’s. Almost every kid’s magic set includes a set of Buddha Papers.

Product Quality

Included with your “kit” are the necessary Buddha Papers, 8 cards with one word messages on them in a plastic pouch and a laser engraved coin housed in a velvet bag. Also provided is a 12 page PDF describing the handling of the papers, another PDF of a sample script and a 9 minute video of the creator going through the routine as if he was doing a reading. The Buddha papers are made from parchment paper to make them appear aged, the cards are printed on stock of average quality and the engraved coin is of average quality. The coin feels too light to be a real coin but it serves the purpose.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate as it doesn’t make any claims it does not deliver. The only thing that I feel this product falls short on is the actual feeling of inspiration it claims it will deliver.

Final Thoughts

There have been several attempts by performers to raise the Buddha Papers to a higher level than just a mere mystery. One notable attempt is The Boyd Mystery by Bill Abbott. Although The Token of Life was a gallant effort, the much ado about nothing attempt to just delver an inspirational message doesn’t work for me. Other than picking a card, the sitter just listens to the endless babble of the performer. What is particularly unnerving was listening the actual creator’s robotic delivery of his own script which left me wanting it to end. There is very little emotion in his delivery or any attempt to engage the listener. If this is supposed to be “magical” is falls very far from that mark.
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