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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Hat's Incredible

Devin Knight

(Based on 1 review)

Is it a toilet plunger, a vase, a Beanie cap, or a Safari Hat? Isn't Hat Incredible! Its an updated comical blend of TroubleWit and Chapeaugraphy that is destined to become an instant kid show classic. It's a must if you work for children.

Bring a child up to help and say, "We need a special hat and a magic wand". From then on its NON-STOP laughter. Magician brings out what appears to be a toilet plunger and places it on the kid's head. Pulling off the handle causes the plunger to change into a flower vase and the magician is left holding a MAGIC WAND.

Claiming the vase is the hat, it is placed on the child's head and visibly becomes a comical BEANIE STYLE CAP. Oops the magic isn't working. Must be because the hat is upside down. Magician flips the hat and suddenly it changes into a comical SAFARI HAT. Now the magic works.

This has been a proven winner in Devin's kid shows for the last 7 years and is finally being released to magic world after many requests. This is a routine your audiences will not have seen before.

4 MAGICAL Changes. Comes complete with Hat Incredible, wand, and routines for both children and adults.


Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Mar 08, 2007

I asked for it. Literally. I asked to review this trick. The product description says “Its an updated comical blend of TroubleWit and Chapeaugraphy.” I’ve been fascinated with both TroubleWit and Chapeaugraphy my entire life – mostly due to two of my childhood magic heroes: Jay Marshall and Harry Anderson. Needless to say I was excited.

If by “updated comical blend” the product description meant to say “a routine that lacks the charm and versatility of either of the originals,” then I believe it is correct. But maybe the author didn’t write the product description. So I checked the instruction sheets. On the back page, it reads “This trick makes a nice replacement for either Trouble-Wit or Chapeaugraphy.” Bullsh*t.

What you get is an odd object that looks kinda like a vase in one of its “modes”. The other modes are a safari hat and a plunger (once the plunger handle is added).

The beauty of TroubleWit and Chapeaugraphic brims is their versatility. In the hands of a master, these simple items can evoke a sense wonder in audiences of any age. With Hat’s Incredible you get three mediocre changes, one of which requires an additional prop.

But I haven’t mentioned the most disturbing part. There’s a picture of a very cute little girl (I’ll keep her name to myself to save her the shame). She has plunger on her head. But that’s not the best part. The caption for the photo reads: “This Silly Picture Is One That Parents Will Want To Take With Their Camera!”

I’m sorry, but making fun of my audience member, regardless of age, is a line I refuse to cross. If you’ve ever wondered why people are afraid to join a magician on stage… now you know.

I wonder if this thing is flammable?
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