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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Paul Harris Presents Deep X

Paul Harris; Paul Knight

Paul Harris Presents

(Based on 1 review)
by Paul Harris in Collaboration with Paul Knight



A small thin ID Wallet with a clear window is placed on the table. A small stack of cards are clearly seen thru the window. These wallet cards are spread so that EACH of the CARDS are displayed.

Then anyone genuinely just THINKS of any four-letter word or name (any word that has all different letters.). Her secret word is not written down. Her secret word is never told to anyone!

Let's say her secret word is "BING".

She then tells you her 4 random lucky Cards. Do they really make her luckier?

You openly slide out the cards from the Clear Wallet. The same cards that have been in full view from the start.

You display the four cards one at a time.


You let this moment of Deep Astonishment sink in...

But even luckier than that...

You turn each of her four Lucky Cards face down.

The first card has a big Sharpie B
The next card an I
Then an N...
and finally...G


The same secret word she had only THOUGHT OF has been in the wallet from the start!

Even you don't know what her thought-of word is until it's revealed in the wallet!

The Prediction cards are completely Xaminable!
The Wallet is completely Xaminable!

The spectator has a genuine free choice of a 4-letter word and its 4 lucky numbers.

No forces.
No secret writing.
No Cribs.
No Peeks.
No memory work.

No Skill required. If you can hold a Deck you can do Deep X.


A legitimate public website that generates the Lucky Cards on your spectator's own phone.

It's the "Gimmick" that super charges Deep X

Experience it RIGHT NOW:

Complete with Deep X wallet and special cards. Supply your own deck.


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Apr 19, 2024


1 wallet, a couple of sneaky gimmicks, 30 minutes of video tutorial, 7 PDFs, $45 bucks, and one Deep X review. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


A small wallet is shown to clearly have a few red-backed cards in it. A spectator is asked to think of any four letter word (each letter must be different). She then tells you four lucky cards that you remove from a blue-backed deck. You then remove the red cards from your wallet and put the wallet aside. She can examine it if she wants.

You then reveal that the cards in your wallet match the lucky cards she named. Further, you turn them over and reveal that there is a letter on the back of each of the red-backed cards that were in your wallet. They spell her lucky word. She never tells you the word, and she never writes it down, and you never even know what the word is until you show her the cards in your wallet. It is THAT clean.


This method is one of the cleverest things and combination of things I've seen in a long time. The wallet plays a roll along with a couple of special included cards, and a special deck of cards that you'll need to make up. It's a one-time prep and requires no arts and crafts and will take about 10 minutes (one-time) to make. The final thing that brings this all together is a special website that is used to generate her lucky cards.

The site is given in the ad copy, so I have no issue showing it here: More about this in the product quality section. This site, however, is what really makes this whole thing work. That combined with everything else in the box make for an incredibly deceptive effect.

Lastly, there is one minor "move" if you can even call it that which will definitely take practice, but is not any kind of a knuckle-buster or anything like that. It's more of a get-the-proper-timing-and-rhythm-down kind of thing. This is within the reach of any skill level (unless this is your first month in magic).

Product Quality

The wallet and special stuff are excellent and work perfectly. The only product quality issue I have is with the actual website. You can take a look at it yourself and decide for yourself if that's a problem. As a web developer I have a couple of issues with it.

  1. On a non-phone device, it looks like crap.

  2. The entry fields need larger font sizes.

Try it on a tablet and a desktop. You'll see. The layout is messy. The graphic is blurry and pixelated, etc. To be fair, however, this is meant to be done on a phone during presentation. But if they don't have a phone they might have a computer or tablet handy depending on the situation. Look at the site yourself and decide if that's a problem for you.

As far as the site doing its job needed for the effect: perfect. I think there are just some aesthetic issues and minor user experience issues. But luckily you can decide for yourself by going to the site directly.

Additionally, in one of the PDFs they suggest an alternative to using the website. I actually like the alternative (basically a card with the lucky card / letters on it). However, just writing them down on a card (as suggested) is a bit not-the-way-to-go in my opinion. They could have easily given a PDF of a "lucky card" card that you could print on card stock and cut out, something that looks like a legit lucky card creator.

Having said all that, the video instructions are excellent although they contain a few annoying minutes at the beginning and at the end. At the beginning Craig Petty goes into a sales pitch to convince you that this is the ultimate version of this type of effect. He's, of course, correct, and I agree with him, but it was way tooooooo used car salesman-y for me, especially since I've already bought the product at this point.

He did the same thing at the end which is even worse because not only have I bought it, but I've also watched the tutorial and seen how awesome it is. I don't need to the used car salesman to call me up a week after I purchase the car to remind me how great of a deal it was.

Those annoyances aside, the tutorial by Paul Knight, the creator, was excellent and covers everything perfectly and clearly.

In short, everything you get is well made with the noted exceptions regarding the web site, and about 5 annoying minutes of video.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is perfect. Everything stated is 100% true. Frankly, I feel like they gave away too much in the ad copy. Everything they say is 100% accurate. Not much to say here folks.

Final Thoughts

  • Effect: Solid. Deceptive. Impactful. Powerful. Beautiful.

  • Method(s): Clever. Sneaky. Easy. Doable. Practical.

  • Gimmicks Quality: Perfect.

  • Website Quality: Moderate.

  • Advertisement: Perfect. Correct. Accurate.

If you like this effect, and even if you've struggled with previous version (like I have), you will love this effect. The only part about it that I'm not sure you'll be happy with is the website, and lucky for you, it's free to look at so you don't have to rely on my review of it.

The wallet, and cards that are included, and the video that is included are all excellent. If the website weren't an issue, then this is an easy 5 stars. The website, though a bit of an issue for me, still performs the required function for the effect with no issues. They also offer an alternative to the website. But again that's where they kind of "goofed" again because they could have / should have provided a better quality version of the website alternative as well.

You have everything you need to know to decide for yourself. With that said . . .
Final Verdict
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

P.S. Paul Harris / Paul Knight - If you're listening, I'd be happy to "fix" the site for you (for a nominal fee, of course). :0]
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