
(Based on 1 review)
Read the following carefully...nothing is being left out.

You ask a spectator to select a card or to lend you a bill. You then VERY fairly and openly rip a corner off the card or the bill and VISIBLY pass it through a SEALED bottle. Your hands are unquestionably empty and it is the exact same corner.

You have a few questions? Let's answer them...
  • No Gimmicks
  • Instant Reset
  • No difficult sleight of hand
  • Regular deck of cards
  • Regular bottle
  • The bottle is ACTUALLY sealed; the spectator can open it themselves.
The sealed bottle idea alone will bring all your other bottle effects to the next level. With this principle, it will take you 20 seconds to place small objects into sealed bottles.

Including brand new variations, ideas and principles for all performance styles, such as the wet envelope principle

PLUS Two BONUS effects, straight out of Spidey's working repertoire.

BONUS EFFECT #1: a display of both visual magic and mind blowing mentalism, using a pack of playing cards and 2 envelopes

BONUS EFFECT #2: an extremely practical bar trick. This one GUARANTEES you free drinks and dropped jaws in ANY bar!...visual, high impact and very magical! Anytime Anywhere, borrowed objects.

"Spidey has literally SEALED the deal with "OH!" This is by far the strongest bottle effect out there, and the bottle is SEALED!!!"
- Deven Ye

"This effect is everything bottle penetration magic has been missing. Rarely can you find an effect so complete in its logic and psychology that even the toughest skeptics will be amazed!...and it's VERY EASY to do!"
- David Lion, from "Lionism"


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Dec 30, 2013

. . . and I quote:

What is your name?

Korreena? Is that with a K?

OK. Koreena, as you could see, all the cards are different, Yeah? And I'm gonna run down the cards in this fashion. I want you to say the word stop whenever you like and when you stop me, that's the card that we're gonna take a look at ok. So whenever you like, and I'm also gonna use for this not just a deck of cards but I've got this water bottle ok and uh it's uh your standard "Naya" whatever water bottle and as I run down the cards like this you just say the word, um, stop and then that's . . . [awkward pause] . . . that's how we'll know when . . . when . . . you want to uh stop me at a card ok, so go ahead and just uh, actually, you know what, we'll do it this way. Here say stop when you want.

Right there? Ok Fantastic. Um, so let's see what you stopped me at. Um It's ok if I see it too ok three of diamonds. Cool? Three of Diamonds? Fair Enough? There's the . . . there's the card, look here's what Ima do, I'm gonna take the corner, I'm just gonna rip like that, ok put that down and watch carefully I'm just gonna rub over here Koreena watch close, look, if I just rub like that, just like that, touch it . . . touch it ok no wait, hold on . . . hold on that's your card right. Is that the exact same corner; that's not a duplicate. That's the exact same corner right?

Here's the interesting thing. Look, bottle, no holes, no cuts, nothing, for the first time I, I open it, feel here look Ima spill some of it out like that here, feel inside is that actually in there? That's actually in there isn't it and that's for you, you could keep it. Crazy. Cool Huh? Keep the card too so you could tell people. Cool Huh?

Alright Guys, well thanks a lot you guys were obviously great . . .

Seriously, go back and re read that. I actually transcribed (yes - I transcribed it) that from the DVD. That's just the beginning of how annoying it is to watch "Spidey" perform. Every "performance" he gave was just like that. Those moments above where he says things like "no wait, hold on . . ." etc., he's stomping on and shutting down the spectators and their reactions.

He's so worried about moving to the next proving phase that there is no time for any real moment to sink in. I know, the pros reading this will come up with their own presentation if the effect is any good. However, a lot of people watching this aren't pros and they'll be learning how to "present" from a very poor presenter.

Moving on to the explanations, Spidey seems like he's annoyed as he has to explain things. He seems irritated and acts like he just doesn't give a crap. It was very very very difficult to watch this DVD.

One last thing, before I dive into the actual effect, let me say this: one of the effects has a nauseatingly disgusting method. I actually got a little light-headed a couple of times watching him play with his spit - literally play with his spit . . . disgusting.

So, how 'bout the effect. object to impossible location is always a good effect in my mind. I think the big thing you get from this DVD is a simple way to reseal a bottle of water that's been opened and tampered with. I think the value really ends there.

You get some ideas for causing a torn corner of a card or a dollar bill to end up inside the bottle. However, the methods (at least in "Spidey's" hands) were sloppy at best.

Then he gives us the so called "Impromptu" version . . . seriously!? to paraphrase Eugene Burger, have words lost their meaning? Spidey "offers" this version for cases when someone has already seen you do the effect and may ask you to do it again in another setting where you haven't brought a prepared bottle. So he says that when this happens you just need to tear off a corner of a card; open a bottle and put the torn card in the bottle and you're ready to go . . . really!? If someone asks me to do this trick, what do I do, say, "Sure. However, do you mind if I take this bottle of water to the restroom real quick?"

This is NOT impromptu. The meaning of the word "impromptu" in all its various forms essentially means no preparation or using only what's available to you in that moment. Having to secretly load a card into a bottle of water when a spectator asks me to show them a trick is not, in my opinion, impromptu.

Additionally, you get two "bonus" effects that Spidey claims he's been doing for a long time. Maybe he meant to say that he hasn't done them in a long time.

The first bonus effect is a prediction effect with a nice presentational angle . . . of course it's nice; It's from Jay Sankey's effect Practice Pack off of Revolutionary Card Tricks Volume I. The concept of the practice deck and the opening patter is almost identical to Sankey's. I did not find any place on Spidey's DVD where he credited Jay. Both effects are very similar. However, the main move required in Spidey's routine is a move that Spidey himself appears to not be able to do, and he constantly kept lowering his hands below the frame so you couldn't see what he was doing. His method is not a good way to do this. Nothing worse than stealing a trick and making it less impactful.

Bonus effect #2 . . . [Jeff sighs a deep sigh] . . . This is another one he refers to as impromptu . . . having to have flash paper in your pocket, a special coin and a sharpie is NOT impromptu! Additionally, in the "presentation" he refers to the flash paper as "wax paper." Really? You just happen to have some wax paper in your pocket in this "impromptu" setting? Right?

Ok, getting past that, this trick has potential, but everything is so overly contrived; the presentation is the epitome of the put and take presentation (I'll take this here and put this over here, etc., etc.). Finally, again the only move really required to do this was a move that he could not do very well and it would appear to me that he does not do these effects regularly. If I had to guess, I'd say that he's never done this move before because as he was trying to do it, it was clear that he wasn't sure what to do.

Additionally, he seems to have little respect for women. He referenced another one of his products that he said was meant to show you how to pick up women. Then he mentioned something about how in presentations, women like to hear that "we're going to try something together." As he says this, he rolls his eyes in a mocking "tone."

Final thoughts

For $30 you get 3 tricks:

  1. Oh! - The Title Effect

  2. Bonus 1

  3. Bonus 2

The first effect (Oh!) you are taught multiple methods that range from decent to completely repulsive; nothing really stands out here other than learning how to reseal a water bottle
Bonus 1, you get a decent effect with a really crappy handling that if improved could be a good trick
Bonus 2, you get a convoluted trick that almost has a good motivation for using a Bobo Switch.

So for $30 you get one decent technique, a trick that's got poor handling and a motivation for a move that's almost there . . . would you pay $30 bucks for that? I wouldn't

Final Verdict 1.5 Star with a Stone Status of Rubble.
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