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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Reverse Card

Dominique Duvivier; Quoc Tien Tran

Mayette Magie

(Based on 1 review)
An extraordinarily easy trick to do.
No sleight of hands.

Prepare to be fooled!

The magician shows cards with identical backs and fronts: they are four 9s of Hearts with blue backs.
He's going make bits of cards travel from one side to the other!
Yes, it sounds strange to read, but the effects are quite surreal and out of the ordinary!
The card crosses the card! The back crosses the face, the face crosses the back!
The miracle is performed card by card, in a progressive way!

Everything is handed out for examination at the end of the trick!

The four cards in Bicycle (printed by USPC in Rider Back).
Two different routines: "Reverse Card" by Dominique Duvivier, and "The Sock" by Quoc Tien Tran.
Online instructions.


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Jul 07, 2023


Reverse Card by Dominique Duvivier is a simple, quick and easy to do card trick if you are new to card magic. In my opinion, this is not a trick that a professional or even a semi-professional would want to perform in their card set. The setup, handling and layout only telegraphs the fact that there is something suspicious is going on. The overall effect is bland at best and not engaging in the least.


You show the backs of four cards they being a 9 of hearts. You place three face up but one is placed face down. You take one of the cards and “push” the pip through to the other side. You then return the pip (without is being shown gone to begin with) by placing it on top of another face up card. You then attempt to do that two more times but the cards end up “caught in the middle of transforming” and have an odd appearance to them.


The method pivots on one regular 9 of hearts and three other gimmicked 9 of hearts. The Flustration Count is the heaviest move needed to perform this trick. Unfortunately, the setup, the handling and the lack of validating what you claim incredibly weakens this effect. There is a strange display of three face up cards and one face down for which there is no reason given. You then claim you pushed the center pip through the card onto the back but never show the pip gone. You then immediately place the card onto a face up nine to replace the pip only now showing it is back. The rest is just more of the same with three odd cards left to display.

Product Quality

The cards are Bicycle stock so there is no quality issue there. The video instruction is about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. It is in French with English dubbed in after the fact by Duvivier’s daughter. There is no attempt to flesh this out to even make is show worthy. You are given the briefest of explanation I have ever seen in all the magic I’ve watched.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy reads like this trick is an absolute miracle but it is far from that.
The trailer itself is misleading as well. It is edited out of context because it eliminates the obvious point when one “pushes the pip through the card” it does not show it missing from the front. The trailer is rearranged to make it appear that the pip was actually missing and was replaced but it was not. The saying is “You get what you pay for” and at $9.95 this certainly is the case.
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