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Animated Cigarette

Kennedy, John

John Kennedy Magic

(Based on 1 review)
A cigarette slowly floats out of its pack and into your mouth. Suddenly the pack changes into a box of matches. The drawer slides open by itself and one of the matches floats out, STRIKES ITSELF, then floats up and lights the cigarette. The burning match floats back down and pushes the matchbox drawer closed, then floats into your hand. You smile, blow out the match, and take a bow. The Animated Cigarette can be performed as close as six feet from your audience. And there are NO THREADS or body hook-ups.


Tom Klein

May 11, 2012

i bought this effect a year ago, and maybe its because i am beginner but this effect is really hard to do, you will have to wear dark clothing and your audience cannot stand too close to you, and of course this effect isn't cheap, but i really think that if you are more experienced, this effect could be mind-blowing, but its not for me,

Tom klein amsterdam-holland
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