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Card Cube

Arkomanis, Persus

Alakazam UK

(Based on 1 review)
"I love effects like this... where the spectator can see something truly impossible, and then gets to take it home with him!"
- Michael Ammar

- Jean Pierre Vallarino

One of the best principles in magic is that of the impossible object. You take something normal and bring it to an impossible state...and then give it away as a souvenir!

The Coin Bend, Anniversary Waltz & Card Warp all fall under this category but now you can add The Card Cube to this great list of magical effects!

As one of the few full working professional Magicians in Greece, everything Perseus creates is devised for real-world audiences! Tried, tested and worked to its finest detail!

The Card Cube is one of the most original plots in magic!

There are a number of effects where the magician borrows a bill and makes an origami fold of it either visually or as a magical effect, but none has ever combined that with a pack of playing cards!

Perseus spent nearly a year figuring out an easy-to-do fold of a playing card to create a cube without any sticky stuff or glue!

Card Cube can be performed almost impromptu as the cubes only take a minute to make.
Card Cube can be performed as a stand-alone effect or as a killer ending to a card routine!
Card Cube can be performed as a magical effect or as a demonstration of skill!
The Card Cube is bound to become one of the modern magic worker's classics!
A wonderful magical moment and a great souvenir is the recipe for success!


Fredrick Turner

Official Reviewer

Apr 22, 2014

Origami is one of the sister arts to magic with many playing at the intersection of both. Robert Harbin and Robert E. Neale come to mind as magicians who have created and published in both domains. Cross-domain effects like Michael Close's The Frog Prince from the Workers Series use origami as part of the magic. Into this arena comes the new release from Perseus Arkomanis and Alakazam Magic UK, Card Cube.

Card Cube is a card revelation that leaves the participant with their selected card formed into a cube. Creating the cubes uses a Kirogami fold. Kirogami is Origami that requires cutting the paper.

The DVD is well made with conversational explanations between Alakazam host, David Loosely, sitting on a couch with Perseus Arkomanis. At times I wished for different camera angles rather than straight-on. Learning the fold is supplemented by two PDF files. An old deck, a pair of scissors and some focused time is all you need to master the cube. The disk is nicely packaged in a stiff cardboard sleeve forgoing the standard plastic box which is unneeded for most one-trick DVDs.

Perseus Arkomanis teaches his “snap change” for the transformation. This change is a bit angly but easily surmountable. There are two main routines: the transformation of the selection into a back-out cube and then changed into a face-out cube for the revelation or a single transformation into the face-out card. I prefer the latter as it's less back and forth to the pockets. Folding a business card into a cube is also reviewed.

The only item missing from this package is crediting. The idea of folding a playing card into a cube was first developed by UK magician, Bob Ostin, in the late eighties-early nineties. It was released in the US by Emerson and West as “Dicey” in 1991. Robert E. Neale published two methods in Life, Death, and Other Card Tricks (Hermetic Press, 2000). A little research would have made this a top notch DVD.

If turning a card revelation into a piece of gift magic appeals, then I would recommend Card Cube.
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