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Radek Hoffmann

Alan Wong

(Based on 1 review)
The routine starts when the performer asks the spectator to make some random decisions. First, they need to set up a random time using the performer's watch. Then they generate a random number using an imaginary die. They throw it three times and add up the imaginary numbers to create a total. Now it's time for a fascinating story about the performer's grandfather. How he inspired him to travel and share magic with others. When the performer opens the passport holder, he will deal the exact number of luggage tags using the number generated by the spectator earlier and will stop at random place in the world. Then the mentalist asks the spectator what kind of image they have in mind when thinking about this place.

The performer takes out a drawing from the passport holder and when he opens it, it will be exactly what our spectator just described! Surprisingly, no other luggage tag is related to this image. Then the mentalist will take out the black envelope. Inside that envelope is a piece of a plane ticket to a new destination chosen by spectator! That is not all! The time generated by the spectator matched the departure time on the plane ticket. The last kicker ending is the seat number. It is the same number generated by them earlier!

Itineris is a very elegant and organic routine, where all random decisions made by the spectator will perfectly match predictions about the performer's past journey. This is not just another prediction trick. This is a routine where you can take your spectator on a fascinating journey inside your mind!


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Mar 27, 2024


Itineris by Radek Hofmann is a travel themed multiple prediction effect. It is reminiscent of a Confabulation routine without any writing. However, instead of the performer intuiting all the all the revelations, the spectator does. If you wanted a slightly romanticized prediction effect that features clear predictions, multiple reveals, high quality props and strong impact, definitely consider Iteneris.


The performer sets the stage for the spectator to make a series of decisions. First, a random time is chosen by turning the performer’s watch face down and the spectator blindly spins the hands until he feels he is done. Then an imaginary die is thrown three times and the imaginary numbers are totaled up. When these two tasks are done, the performer tells the tale of his grandfather who inspired him to travel and share his love of magic with others. When the story ends, the performer takes out a passport wallet. He deals the exact number of luggage tags that was totaled before and selects someplace in the world the performer has been. When asked what image this place creates in the spectator’s mind, the performer takes out a drawing from the holder which matches the exact image the spectator had in their mind. It is the only luggage tag which would have matched. Not finished, the performer reminds the spectator they had chosen a time as well. From the holder a boarding pass is removed which flight matches the time the spectator has chosen. But yet, there is one more coincidence, the seat number matches the imaginary number also.


The method involves clever props, audience management, deceptive forcing procedures, well constructed routine and the ability to engage with the audience. The methods used to produce the ultimate effect are not new to the mentalism world. What Hoffmann has done is to develop a wonderful routine aided by beautifully designed props that not only look real but designed to enhance the deception as well. There is no magician’s force in play but a clever application of tried and true methods.

Product Quality

The props are exquisitely designed and made. The watch, although relatively inexpensive, looks attractive and since it is a working watch, can be worn daily. It has the features necessary for the routine to work and a lot of thought went into the selection of the watch. The passport holder, which houses the rest of the props, seems to be well made, stitched nicely and is proportioned well. There are 20 luggage tag holders of which there are 4 force locations. The luggage tags must be properly set up in and order for the effect to work. A drawing is included if you choose to use it or you can draw your own or maybe have a generic photo reflecting the locale chosen. It is up to your discretion. Two double sided envelopes are provided as well and 8 boarding passes for the final reveal. A paper clip is also provided so identify the side of the envelope needing to be opened. The downloadable video is almost 1 hour long and covers all you need to perform the trick.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate and in the spectator(s) perspective this is exactly how the routine plays out. It is a very clean performance as long as you remember the requisite moves.

Final Thoughts

This is a very nice routine and would play very well in an intimate or parlour setting. It might be a bit too small for stage. The only nitpick suggestion would be to punch holes in the luggage tags as I never saw a tag without a hole in it. In addition, out of the 4 force locales most of us in the US would only be familiar with 2 of them. I would rearrange the tags so those 2 would be hit upon more often. The locales Hoffmann has is set up as, are more familiar with Europeans.
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