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Drawing on October 1st, 2024


Apprentice Magic


(Based on 2 reviews)
THE MUMMY has returned!


In this fun version of the effect, you show three different colored Mummies (red, blue and yellow) and a black Sarcophagus. You tell the story of three different Egyptian Mummies (Nefertit, Cleopatra and Nitigret). 

While your back is turned (you can even be out of the room) an audience member places one of the Mummies into the sarcophagus. you walk back into the room and you immediately know what Mummy Queen they placed inside! A fun, great mind reading trick! VERY easy to do!

All Apprentice products come complete with all necessary props, online instructions as well as a great storyline to capture the imagination of your audience. The Apprentice Line of magic is focused toward beginners yet, many professional magicians around the world use these same tricks in their live shows. Learn magic the right way with the Apprentice Line of magic!


Elliott Smith

Official Reviewer

Jan 11, 2023


If you are just getting started in magic and want to amaze your spectators, you will really enjoy this one. It is self-working, easy to learn and easy to perform with 100% confidence. Professionals, please do not discount this effect because it is made out of plastic or looks hokey, it is a great effect if you have a great storyline and presentation. Don’t forget, it is not about the ‘trick’ and trying to fool other magicians, it is all about magically ‘entertaining’ your spectators and with will certainly do the ‘trick’.


n this fun version of the effect, you show three different colored Mummies (red, blue and yellow) and a black Sarcophagus. You tell the story of three different Egyptian Mummies (Nefertit, Cleopatra and Nitigret). While your back is turned (you can even be out of the room) an audience member places one of the Mummies into the sarcophagus and the other are hidden. You walk back into the room and immediately know what Mummy Queen they placed inside! A fun, great mind reading trick! VERY easy to do!

Comes complete with all necessary props, online instructions as well as a great storyline to capture the imagination of your audience. The Apprentice Line of magic is focused toward beginners yet, many professional magicians around the world use these same tricks in their live shows.


As mentioned in the ad, this effect is self-working and very easy to perform. There are no sleights or difficult moves to learn. Once to turn around after the spectator makes their selection, you do not have to pick up or even hold the prop to mentally Devine which Mummy is in the Sarcophagus. It is based on a very clever and undetectable principle that will allow you to immediately repeat it either to the same spectator or another one in the same audience you are performing for. This can be performed anywhere, anytime however you will need a flat, hard surface (table) to perform it on and the higher the better. Angles will not be an issue, you will be able to perform this surrounded it need be.

Product Quality

This high quality new version is a revamp of the classic version that was introduced years ago either as a stand alone effect or sometimes found as part of a magic set. It is much heavier and a bit larger than the original so it feels and looks much better than the original. You will have access to. A 10 minute, very well produced video which will teach you all the in’s and out’s of how the lead and perform The Mummy.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad accurately describes what is says your will receive and what and how the effect will be presented and do for you.

Final Thoughts

If you are just getting started in magic and want to amaze your spectators, you will really enjoy this one. It is self-working, easy to learn and easy to perform with 100% confidence. Professionals, please do not discount this effect because it is made out of plastic or looks hokey, it is a great effect if you have a great storyline and presentation. Don’t forget, it is not about the ‘trick’ and trying to fool other magicians, it is all about magically ‘entertaining’ your spectators and with will certainly do the ‘trick’. This is a great buy.


As with other effect like this, it is perfect for the beginner magic as a gift. It can also be used as part of a grab bag, stocking stuffer at Christmas or if you perform birthday parties, it’s a great upsell.
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Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Nov 10, 2022


The Mummy will be one pharaoh shuffle your audience will never forget. Another, dare I say ancient, magic trick restored to life by Apprentice Magic. Simple, inexpensive and effective are why tricks like The Mummy are called classics. Magicians have long turned up their noses to inexpensive plastic magic tricks because they are viewed as played out and corny. I say, what can be more of a testimonial to the skill of a performer who can take a hackneyed prop and turn it into a show piece? The very fact that it is not some nicely finished and polished prop is the very reason it can get gasps. Who would expect a piece of plastic to be so beguiling?


The performer weaves a tale of visiting a museum display of ancient Egypt. He somehow found himself alone in a room full of sarcophagi. Fixated at the hieroglyphics on an ancient casket he became vexed by the power of “the mummy”. He now has the ability to know the unknown. Taking out a souvenir sarcophagus and three different colored mummies, the spectator(s) are instructed to place one of the mummies in the tomb after the performer turns his back. Turning back and without touching the sarcophagus he senses which of the mummies were placed in the casket. He is correct. This can be repeated until the mummies come home.


Introduced in the 1960’s, the Mummy Mystery trick is based on a simple principle of physics. The performer never does have to touch the sarcophagus as he balances out his options. The method is completely visual and can be performed almost anywhere. One will need a flat surface to lay the casket on and would be best at dining table height or higher. Low lying tables such as coffee tables would not be suitable for most conditions. Placing the prop on soft surfaces should be avoided as well if you are looking for the best outcome. Anyone that has decent vision should be able to perform this trick as this does not require manual dexterity. The effect is solely based on presentation and good storytelling skills would help.

Product Quality

The props are made of plastic but that shouldn’t deter someone from giving this a go. The “trick” is the ability to weave a good tale. In other cheap versions of this trick you would probably get typed instructions on a miniscule piece of paper that you may be able to understand. With The Mummy you will not only get the props but a downloadable video instruction featuring Javier Fuemayor, Murphy’s Magic new spokesperson. Javier brings this trick to a new level. Ever excited and well spoken, Javier teaches you the routine and a premise to hang it on. Filmed on a beautiful set in High Definition, Javier brings what is needed most in magic; enthusiasm. This is well worth the purchase just to watch Javier.

Ad Copy Integrity

The product delivers all that is posted. Apprentice Magic has the right idea which is bringing back tired and worn out classics and revitalizing them and breathing new life in to this old friends.
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