Win all of these!
Drawing on October 1st, 2024


Mickael Chatelain

Gi'Mick Magic

(Based on 1 review)
Take three VIP plates out of your pocket.

Except for a different QR-CODE on each, the plates are 100% identical, so there is nothing to see!

(Before you start, ask your spectator to put his cell phone on the table, because in a few moments, he will have to snap the QR-CODE of each plate).


Your spectator has two chances out of three to win! Will he be lucky?

After carefully examining the plates, your spectator places them on the table, one next to the other in a row.

Give your spectator a marker and the game begins!

Ask your spectator what their dream gift is? A car, a house, jewelry, a trip, etc.

Using the marker, ask them to write their dream gift on a post-it note and stick it on one of the 3 plates! No force!

The spectator does so and marks, for example, TRAVEL and then sticks it on one of the three plates.

Continue and ask your spectator to name a second incredible gift and write it on a second post-it.

Let's say they write a CAR, for example.

Again, he sticks this post-it on a second plate... again, NO FORCE!

We repeat once again!

There is no forcing! The spectator writes himself on the post-its and sticks them himself on the plates of his choice!

On a final post-it note, invite the spectator to write "A PIECE OF CANDY" for example.

Two chances out of three to WIN an INCREDIBLE gift!

Now invite the spectator to take his phone and snap the first plate, the plate with the "TRAVEL" post-it!

If the message WON appears on the screen of his phone, the spectator wins a trip.

The spectator snaps the QR-CODE himself, a beep is heard and... the word LOST appears on the phone screen.

The trip is unfortunately LOST you say.

50/50 chance now!

Invite the spectator to snap the plate with the post-it "CAR".

A beep is heard... suspense... LOST again!


The viewer can snap the last plate, the plate with the post-it note "A PIECE OF CANDY" to see that the word WONappears on their phone!

Take a piece of candy out of your pocket and give it to him!

This one had a two out of three chance of winning something fabulous, but luck cannot be controlled and today it was not there for your spectator!

Once again, everything can be examined!

Your viewer will be able to snap each plate over and over again to see that they really did have a two in three chance of winning an INCREDIBLE gift!

Watch the video demonstration right now and don't miss out on this miracle, you'll love it, I can guarantee you, the method is totally insane!Strong Points:
  • No force, the spectator chooses himself plates and writes on
  • Impossible to miss it
  • You can bet $1 million, no risk to lose!
  • No change! 3 plates, 1 marker and that's it
  • Infinitely customizable because the spectator can imagine what he wants.
  • Instantly reset
  • No app to load or buy!
  • The spectator uses his own cell phone
"One more time, the secret will blow you away you can trust me!"
- Mickael Chatelain


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Oct 02, 2023


VIP by Mickael Chatelain stands for Very Important Player, however to me it also stands for Very Impressive Product. VIP is a phone based Bank Night routine which uses the spectators phone. VIP is a phenomenal door opener and should be in the arsenal of every walk around mentalist. It is virtually weightless, takes up almost no space in a wallet, generates interest and excitement and opens the opportunity to leave a small memento or business card with the participant(s).


The performer approaches an individual or group of individuals and offers them an opportunity to win a valuable prize. He takes out 3 VIP (Very Important Player) cards which all have a QR code on the back. The participants are given the opportunity to guess which of the three is the “winner” card. The cards are scanned with someone’s phone and the winner card is identified. They are then mixed up and an item is placed in front of each one from extremely valuable such as a set of car keys to insignificant like a piece of candy. The cards are scanned again and the participant ends up with the small prize which is the candy.


The VIP effect is self working, and the spectator uses their own phone. The entire routine is based on clever two level coding system that will not only prime their phone to recognize the cards as winner or losers but also sequence the revelation so the second time they are scanned the last card is the winner, no matter how they are mixed. This is an incredible, easy to do trick that gives a performer complete justification to approach a group, which is the opportunity to win a prize, and who wouldn’t like that opportunity? What is the reset? Wait 5 minutes and you can perform again.

Product Quality

What you receive are laminated paper cards in English and French. Each set of cards also comes in a plastic sleeve to keep them clean and damage free. Also included is a piece of paper with how to access the tutorial in either language. The tutorial is 18 minutes long and covers the entire process and two routines. Both routines are variations of each other and will be entertaining no matter which one is used.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate and it describes the entire routine to a tee. With all this, this should be the absolutely perfect trick, correct? There is one little glitch….when the QR code is scanned, it brings up and asks if you want to continue before the WIN / LOSE shows. That probably would indicate the fact that this is a magic trick to mostly everyone that sees it. If this one flaw doesn’t bother you then VIP is a WINNER.
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