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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Creating Magic

Gary Kurtz

(Based on 1 review)
Those of you who have Gary's first DVD, Let's Get Flurious, already know the high caliber of his effects and techniques. The material on the second DVD of Gary's innovative magic is every bit as impressive. Highlighting this 85-minute broadcast quality DVD is Misty Like A Dream, and entire coin act! This one item alone contains groundbreaking new sleights and moves combined to form a beautiful flowing routine - including productions, vanishes, changes and transformations. You won't believe it! Other items include:

Gary in your pockets
a "Re-Set" type of card routine where two packets of cards transpose to your pockets!

Silk Coin Vanish
Four silver dollars vanish like a breeze!

Hypothetical Possibilities
A very magical, multi-phase card routine where the spectators are taken back in time!

The Empty Hand
A method of showing your hands empty and then producing a signed card from your pocket!

Running Time Approximately 85min


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

May 31, 2023


Creating Magic by Gary Kurtz is a very appropriate title. Coins and cards are deftly handled by Kurtz as he performs some of the most intricate and interesting magic. His persona is offbeat to say the least and his scripting is intriguing. The performance pieces on this DVD is geared for highly skilled workers and will require months of dedicated work to nail them down.


Four routines out of Kurtz’ repertoire are explained. These are not for the feint of heart by any means. Highly sophisticated and fast paced, you will need to devote yourself to honing the sleights you already know and learning some new ones. One routine ‘Misty Like a Dream” will require nine coins one being a shell set, flash paper, several folded pieces of tissue paper, a card box and four pockets dedicated to perform this one amazing routine. Unless you truly feel that you are at this level of performing, this DVD may not be for you.


The methods involve complicated sleight of hand and impeccable timing. All routines on this DVD are his versions of other types of routines like 3 Fly and The Ambitious Card. What makes his unique is the fast paced transitions and the sophisticated scripting. If for nothing else, purchasing this DVD will give you an insight to clever constructing of routine and the endless possibilities of scripting a unique magic piece.

Product Quality

The DVD is only 85 minutes long and it a transfer from VHS to DVD. The quality would be considered sub-par by today’s standards and the sound was occasionally muffled.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy extolls the talent of Kurtz and does list the effects performed. Unfortunately, the prequel to the Silk Coin Vanish, which is Hanging Coins is not explained (probably because it belongs to David Roth). I personally find things like that annoying when you buy a DVD and they “waste time” performing something they will not explain. The other issue is that the ad copy does not state is that this requires professional caliber sleights. These for the most part are not within the realm of the average magician. It is not that they can never do the routines but that they won’t dedicate the time to learn.

Final Thoughts

The magic on this DVD is very clever and sophisticated. I would definitely suggest looking at his book “Unexplainable Acts” to read how he constructs these and other routines.
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