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Gaft Card Magic Dvd

Syd Segal

(Based on 1 review)
Exactly what is Gaft Card Magic? Gaft Card Magic is three highly visual effects and one bonus item for the amateur and working performer, including a performance/explanation DVD, fully illustrated booklet with easy to follow instructions, and eight custom made gaffed cards.

Gaffs Included:

* Jackass: An effect containing multiple vanishes, reappearances, and a lot of magic giving you an all around solid routine.

* Wipeout: A 4 of a kind goes through some visible changes revealing a selected card with a kicker that leaves them stunned.

* Rewind: A selection's pips vanish and reappear VISUALLY in this fast paced opener.

* Bonus: San Diego Prediction: A prediction is VISIBLY changed to look more like the signed selection.


P.T. Murphy

Official Reviewer

Oct 23, 2006

From watching this DVD all I know about Syd Segal is that he has two hands.

I do not know if he has a head.

I assume he does as it would house the brain that is sending signals to the hands that do the clever tricks they do.

I assume he has a thorax as there must be something to which the arms are attached.

BUT, I do not know these things for certain. And to be honest I really don't care. I don't care about Syd, I don't care about his hands and I don't care about the tricks his clever hands perform.


It is because Syd has given me no reason to care.

In this DVD we see two hands, a deck of cards and some subtitles. That is it! There is no mouth that is doing the talking. There are no eyes that are doing the communicating. There are just these hands. (And how do I know that these are Syd’s real hands?) The hands perform competently enough. Nothing presented here is ground breaking or worth mentioning. As a bonus (?) you do get a bunch of gaffed cards and a booklet explaining the tricks that the hands did.

That is it.

What is missing is the wonderful sense of humor that Syd MAY have. Or the warm and charming personality that he MAY present to his audience. I cannot say for sure. All I know is this...

For $24.95 you would do much better to avoid this DVD and spend a few extra bucks on any one of the DVDs out there hosted by a performer who is more than just two hands.

A note to Syd: Magic is about YOU and ME! Not our hands.
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