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Drawing on October 1st, 2024

Sonic Dice

Hanson Chien

Magic Hutong Entertainment Inc. Ltd.

(Based on 1 review)
"I remember having great fun with Tenyo's Flash Dice when I first began to learn magic. Sonic Dice is so much more than that."
- Hanson Chien

Imagine being able to control a roll of the dice at the speed of sound. This is SONIC DICE. Here is a summary of the effect:

Step One - Five dice are placed into a transparent box at random and covered with a tube and shaken.

Step Two - When the tube is removed, all the dice in the box show the same number.

Step Three - Repeat the first two steps, but without any cover.

It becomes more and more unbelievable for the spectators. It also has the following features:It can be carried in your pocket.It can be examinable.It can be repeated.SONIC DICE comes with everything you need to perform this visual miracle.


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

May 13, 2023


Almost 100 years ago, a trick was released where apparently one had the ability to control the roll of a pair of dice. In the United States that trick was called Sure Shot Dice. It consisted of two dice housed in a round pill box type of container. In 1976, Tenyo released Flash Dice which not only added more dice but they were housed in a rectangular box. This new version allowed for more phases to an already great trick. Now Sonic Dice by Hanson Chien brings this effect to a whole new level.


The performer shows a smart looking leather case and within is a rectangular acrylic box with five dice inside. It is obvious the dice are in a random order. The box with the dice are placed back into the leather sleeve and given a shake. Miraculously, the dice are all in numerical order. The spectator is then asked to call out a number. For example, they say three. The dice are placed back in the box without the sleeve and given another shake and unbelievably all the dice are shown with the number three on them. This is just one of several effects that can be done with Sonic Dice.


There are several things going on with this advanced version of an old classic. There are five dice, of which three are gimmicked. They are gimmicked not in an obvious way. The pips on three of the dice are arranged differently than standard. This will allow you to create new patterns for your presentation. The acrylic box is also gimmicked to facilitate the roll of the dice. This too is not so obvious so the box and the dice can be casually examined. The leather sleeve adds some additional mystery to the effect. One main contributing factor is the way the box has to be shaken to facilitate the roll of the dice. This is something that will definitely have to be practiced. Although not very difficult to learn, this motion is imperative for the effect to work.

Product Quality

The quality of Sonic Dice is excellent. The leather sleeve is very smartly designed as is the acrylic case and dice. The case is 1 1/16” square x 3” long so it is small enough to carry in a jacket pocket. The instructional video is 27 minutes long and well shot. It is dubbed in English and if needed, you can play the video slower than normal to watch and read at the same time. I did not find this a hindrance in following along.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate and if you would like a modern version of an old classic that not only looks good but plays well, Sonic Dice might be interesting to you.
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