Rubik Remembered

Mark Elsdon


(Based on 2 reviews)
This is it!

The full work on Mark Elsdon's ground-breaking Rubik's Cube effect: "Rubik Remembered!"

Imagine being able to solve a genuine Rubik's Cube from memory, whilst blind-folded, in less than two minutes every single time!

Forget about all the other Rubik's Cube tricks you've ever seen: matching mixed cubes, predictions, 'magically restored' cubes, etc. When laymen see a Rubik's Cube, they are thinking just one thing - can the magician solve it? After you've studied this DVD the answer will be simple, "Yes!"

In the first part of this DVD, Mark teaches his full solution for Rubik's Cube. He covers every possible variation that you might encounter whilst doing the Cube. His brilliant 7-step solution is quickly learnt and was designed to offer ease of long-term recall. Once learnt, you will be able to solve any Rubik's Cube in less than two minutes, anytime you choose, for the rest of your life.

In the second part, Mark provides the full explanation of his reputation-making effect of solving the Cube apparently from memory, whilst blind-folded. Plus all the handling subtleties and psychological strategies that he has developed and honed over thousands of performances are thoroughly explained.

The instruction available on this DVD has previously only been available to a select group of private students at exclusive, expensive seminars. Now you, too, can learn this incredible piece of magic.

Whether you choose to perform this effect close-up or on stage, as an opener or a closer, 'Rubik Remembered' is the definitive work on using the world's best selling puzzle in your act.



Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

May 31, 2010

Let's face it, if you can solve the Rubik's cube, you look like a genius. Even today after the cube being out for about 30 years, people still think you're a a genius if you can solve that darn cube in a couple of minutes. Think back to the first time you saw the cube and you saw some kid solve the thing in just a few minutes. You were blown away. I know I was. The first time I saw it solved was in the early 80's, and it was a Chinese exchange student name Mike Davies. He would charge a quarter to solve your cube. It was worth it just to watch him do it.

Imagine taking that to the next step and solving it blindfolded! That would have even impressed Mike Davies. Well that's exactly what you learn from Mark Elsdon's Rubik Remembered. Trust me on this: the blindfold part of this is the easy part. It's learning the cube that is the hard part. Basically this DVD is teaching you to solve the cube. Once you learn to solve the cube, he briefly covers the blindfold portion of the effect. I've been a cube solver for years (best time: 40.17 seconds). I know how to do it blindfolded, and I've always wanted to add it to my act, but I just haven't done so yet. Currently in my act, I do solve the cube, but not blindfolded.

After seeing the reaction Mark got performing this live, it's time to move forward and put this in my act. The beauty of this is that it can be done in a strolling situation because there is nothing to reset. You just carry the cube and the blindfold around (neither are included with the DVD), and you're good. You solve the cube at each table, therefore you're ready to go at the next table.

It also works really well on stage, platform, house party, etc... it's the perfect effect. The catch is you've got to learn the cube and learn it well. There are tons of techniques to solve the cube, some faster than others, some more easily learned than others, etc. The technique Mark teaches is a combination of two different techniques that I was already familiar with.

The system he teaches is pretty easily learned, but you'll definitely need to be doing a lot of rewinding to make sure you get it. If you learn this technique and put in the practice time, you will be able to solve the cube in about 2 to 3 minutes. That seems quick, but when you're asking an audience to stare at you for three minutes, it can feel much longer. The technique I use would shave about a minute off of that time. I average about 1 minute each time.

I don't say this to brag; I say this to let you know that in order for this effect to really play, you've got to master the cube, and it will take some serious practice. I've, literally, solved the cube thousands and thousand and thousands of times. I'm sure Mark has as well. You don't get good without the practice. This isn't a packet-trick-that-I-can-put-in-my-gig-tonight-30-minutes-after-I-open-it.

That, my friends, is the best part of this all. It will force you to practice. This is the kind of effect that if you don't practice, you'll look like a complete idiot. There are no "outs" for a screw up on this. Too many magi these days think they can buy a trick and perform it without practicing. This is a solid cure for a horrible disease. The best part is that, although it takes a ton of practice, it's within the grasp of just about any performer.

As for the quality of the product... superb, nicely shot, good camera angles, lighting, sound, etc. The only thing that sort of bugged me a little bit is that Mark never looked up at the camera. Most of the shots were close-ups on his hands, but the few that were wide shots, showed him looking down at the cube. It looked like his eyes were closed the whole time... minor point, I know, but I'm thorough darn it!

If I were to add anything to this product, I would have had a section for advanced techniques to improve your speed. I really think that speed is the key. Remember, the effect is this: You look at a scrambled cube. You memorize the order. You solve it blindfolded. That's a kick-butt effect no matter how long it takes. However, making the audience stare at you for an hour would, obviously be silly. So there is a time limit to make this effect hit hard. I'd say about 2 minutes is the limit.

With a few additional pointers (not included on the DVD), you could shave about a minute off of the time it takes using the technique Mark teaches. One last point: I've taught several students over the years how to solve the cube. It's pretty easy to teach them when you are sitting right next to them showing them and looking at their cube in real time. Doing it over a DVD with no student is very tough, and Mark nailed it. I think he did a great job teaching a tough subject through an even tougher medium.

Additionally, he just seems like a super cool nice guy as an added bonus. If you ever wanted to learn to solve the cube, this is a great way to learn it. If you want to add the cube to your act, blindfolded or not, get this DVD. Highly recommended.
(Top ▲)

Tracy Atteberry

Official Reviewer

Mar 23, 2009

Let's be blatantly honest. This trick won't be for everyone. If, however, you can see yourself solving the Rubik's Cube blindfolded for an audience in about two minutes, then this is definitely for you. That's exactly what this effect by Mark Elsdon promises and exactly what it delivers. Elsdon provides a very easy to understand explanation for solving the cube and some very smart tips for presentation and the use of the blindfold. Blindfold and Rubik's Cube are not included.

Fair warning! To give this DVD a more complete review requires that I geek out a bit and expose just how much of a cube nerd I really am... ummm... was. Anyway, if you want to skip the nerd talk just scan down to the last paragraph. Come to think of it, if you want to skip the nerd talk then this is probably not the effect for you.

In case you don't know, the Rubik's Cube hit the market in the early '80s and every nerd worth their salt had one and could solve it in less than ninety seconds. I was no different. The cube was invented in 1947 by Ernõ Rubik in Hungary and was originally called the "Magic Cube". Ideal Toys renamed it Rubik's Cube and introduced it to the market in 1980. It was wildly popular then and still remains popular today.

The solution described is essentially David Singmaster's solution using a layer by layer approach. Somewhat oddly, for a cube nerd anyway, he doesn't adhere to Singmaster's terminology. The standard cube notation (terminology when spoken out loud) that we use today was developed by David Singmaster and is known as "Singmaster notation". Of course, if you were never aware of Singmaster notation then it will hardly matter.

The nice thing about the Singmaster solution is that it requires remembering a minimal number of algorithms and solutions take only about two minutes — three to four if you're also chatting up the audience. While not the fastest methods for solving the cube, it is one of the easiest to learn, and Mark does a very good job of explaining it. Of couse there are other methods, more difficult to learn, that could bring your time down under one minute and even under 15 seconds if you really practice. The question is: would it be worth it? That's a whole lot of practice time for a 15 second puzzle effect. Also, one would have to handle the dramatic flow differently. No, I personally think that Mark's choice for a solution is probably the best one for this situation.

Just a few more tidbits before we turn off the geek mode. In international speed cube competitions there really is a category for blindfold solving. Now I would never condone cheating in such a competition, but I'll just point out that two minutes would be a really good time. :-) One last thing. Mark mentions on the DVD that the world record for solving a 3x3x3 cube is 38 seconds. Possibly after this DVD was recorded a new record was set by Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands at the 2008 Czech Open. His time: 7.08 seconds.

In summary, this is a very good DVD for teaching you to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. Whether this is an appropriate effect for your show, or just for showing your friends, is a decision you'll have to make on your own. (4.5 stars)
(Top ▲)