Paul's Balls

Paul Martin

Wayne Dobson

(Based on 3 reviews)
Created by one of the UK's busiest working magicians, Paul Martin, Paul's Balls is a great trick that can be used anytime in your act. Not just for stage, you can also use this effect for close up and walk-around too. If you wanted to do a lottery prediction type effect but was unable to buy or justify spending heaps of money on a "device," then you can't go wrong with Paul's Balls.

This effect has everything; drama, magic, mind reading and audience participation. The presentation is entirely hands off!

Comes complete with pocket sized lottery book, routine, gags and performance rights.

"Paul's Balls are Big! ...Really Big me."
- David Stone

"I love this trick, it has gone straight in my working act! It's so easy to do."
Etienne Pradier

"Paul's created a frighteningly good mentalism effect that anyone can perform, I've already found the perfect slot in my parlour routine."
- Nick Einhorn

"I'm always asked at gigs if I can predict the lottery numbers... and now I can - Thanks for releasing this Paul."
Mark Williams

"I can't tell you the pleasure I've had playing with Paul's Balls for the last few months."
Jamie Raven

"I was lucky to get this before it came out and I used it to great effect over all my Christmas Gigs, the reactions were great!"
Lee Hathaway

"This is a real workers' effect that can be put into any act as an opener, filler or closer!"
Magic Singh


Elliott Smith

Official Reviewer

Aug 03, 2024


If you have ever performed the “Tossed Out Deck” or wanted to, Paul’s Balls offers a fantastic enhancement or alternative. Instead of using a deck of cards, you will use a booklet featuring numbered balls. With this method, you will effortlessly read the minds of six volunteers who have randomly selected numbers. It’s engaging, entertaining, fun and truly magical!


The Magician flips through and shows the audience a booklet featuring different lottery ball numbers printed on each page. The Booklet is then tossed out into the audience and 6 different participants are invited to open the book to any page and remember the number they see. Once they have done this they are asked to stand up until all 6 participants are standing. The Magician then invites them to mentally project their chosen number to the performer and the Magician intently concentrates. As each number is correctly identified by the performer, the participant who thought of that number is directed sit down. Amazingly all the participants sit down verifying that the Magician has accurately perceived their thoughts and has read each of their minds.


The specially printed book does all the work for you and uses a very old principle of magic concealed within the pages. There are no angle issues and even though you will have to memorize 6 different numbers (not unlike the Tossed Out Deck in which you have to memorize 6 different cards) the booklet itself has 2 separate markings on it to prompt you in case you have a ‘lapse of memory”. Once you learn or realize the principle involved, you will know its ease of method so you can perfect your own presentation.

Product Quality

The 3.25” X 4 “ booklet is well made and the printing the very colorful. The numbers printed inside are large enough to read so anyone in need of glasses can read the numbers without them. The instructions are clearly written in a small 6 page booklet which will teach you everything you will need to know including some patter and presentation hints. Please know that there is no online downloadable tutorial however you will receive Paul’s e-mail to request it. I did send him an e-mail the date of writing this review and his reply was: "I’m in the process of updating the video, so it’s not available at the moment. If you need any help with handling in the meantime just let me know."

Ad Copy Integrity

There is no video trailer on many magic dealer websites but if you Google - Paul's Balls by Paul Martin you will find some. The ad description is accurate and honest and will contain "drama, magic, mind reading and audience participation."

Final Thoughts

Packs flat and plays big for both parlor and stage performances. If you so desire, you can have the participants up on stage for a more dramatic ending to your performance. This is a great effect resulting in impressive reactions from your audience and participant. Just a little pricey (-1/2 star) but still a good buy.


When you toss the Balls Booklet out the the audience, to ensure that each one handles it properly to choose a number, it is imperative that you clearly demonstrate and accurately instruct them verbally how to do so (audience management). I have tried it about 6 times now without fail as I have made a duplicate sample of the booklet using a note pad and put it on the palm of my hand as per the instructions then showing how to flip though the pages. No issues as yet.
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Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Jul 17, 2024


1 bad pun, 1 "lotto book", 6 little pages of instructions, $35 bucks, 1 Paul Martin, and 1 Paul's Balls magic review. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


This is essentially Hoy's tossed out deck a booklet of lotto numbers.


This is essentially Hoy's tossed out deck a booklet of lotto numbers.

Product Quality

The included "lotto book" is well made and looks like a thing that might exist in the real world for randomly coming up with lotto numbers. The instructions, though small, are clear and well written, etc. Further, according to the instructions if you email Paul, he'll send you video instructions as well. I've sent the email. I'm still waiting on the response. If the video adds anything extra, I'll update the review later.

This next part maybe should be in the "method" section, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin my clever pithiness and symmetry.
The only "problem" with this is that there is a real chance that the spectator peeks at a number the "wrong" way. In the instructions, Paul claims that "99% of people will flick the book the correct way without further instructions - it feels quite odd to flick it the other way."

However, when I picked it up to "choose" a number, it felt completely unnatural to do it the "correct" way, and 100% natural to do it the "wrong" way. So I had my wife try it out after following Paul's advice to "ask them to hold the book in their hand with the picture of the balls facing upwards."

She held it exactly has Paul suggested, and still did it the "wrong" way. I'll grant that with some practice, I may be able to find the right handling, wording, or whatever, to get the correct results, but it starts to feel a little too controlled and not free if the instructions are too specific and complicated. There's a balance between freely being able to open the book however you want and opening it by following a 20 step procedure. Balance. As it is, that balance is not addressed in the instructions.

I, later, had my daughter test it. In her case, she held the book correctly, and opened it correctly, but then began to singly turn the page. If you know the principle used here, then you know that her doing that is yet another way the participant could end up doing it the "wrong" way.

Keeping on theme of mainlining pithy effect/method in their formal sections, I'll add in one more thing about the method here. The basic performance is that 6 people think of a "chosen" number from the book. Then the mage names six numbers followed by the classic Hoy, "if I named your number, sit down." However, Paul has orchestrated things such that there is a real chance (in an excellent way) that one person remains standing. You are then able to tell her that she's thinking of the lotto "bonus" number 44 (for example). And it will be correct . . . unless there was a mishap (see previous 2 paragraphs) with the "selection" procedure.

Ad Copy Integrity

The following is the only claim of any consequence, "This effect has everything; drama, magic, mind reading and audience participation. The presentation is entirely hands off!", and it's 100% true.

Final Thoughts

  • Effect:Solid. Engaging.

  • Method:Good. Risky.

  • Product Quality:Excellent.

  • Ad Copy Integrity:Perfect. Accurate. Honest.

Other than the (likely fixable) issue with the participant doing it the "wrong" way, this is well-done product. If you like the effect, I'm confident that you'll be happy with your purchase with the possible exception of the aforementioned selection process risk. With all that said, due to the inherent risk, we have . . .
Final Verdict:
4 stars with a Stone Status of gem.
(Top ▲)

Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

May 28, 2024


If you wanted to have ready to go, no nonsense Tossed Out Deck type of routine, Paul’s Balls may be of interest to you. Based on a lottery theme, Paul’s Balls appears to be a more manageable version of the Tossed Out Deck. No rubber bands are required and because it is set up in such a manner the secret would be difficult to discover on cursory glance by a participant.


A booklet is taken out where each page shows a different lottery ball number. The book is handed out and the participants are asked to lift up anywhere in the book and remember the number ball that they see. After they do they are asked to stand. This is done until there are five participants standing. The performer then asks them to mentally project their thought of number and if he calls out their thought of number to sit down. After a few moments of contemplation all thought of numbers are recanted by the performer and every participant takes their seat.


The method is unlike a typical Tossed Out Deck and uses the same principle as a Svengali Deck. Several numbers are forced on the participants like a Tossed Out Deck, however the performer does not know exactly which numbers are actually in the spectators’ minds. By recanting all the possibilities, it gives the appearance that the performer knew each thought of number.

Product Quality

The number booklet is well made, but does have a “magic prop” look to it. There would be no reason why there would be a book of “lottery balls” printed other than for a magic trick. Whereas a deck of cards (to be used for a Tossed Out Deck routine) is an organic prop and does look natural to the
audience. The instructions are printed on four pages which approximately 3.5” x 5” and are clear with a basic presentation included. Video instructions are provided ONLY if you request them from the creator which I find a bit odd.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate which basically describes the routine
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