Wonder Readings
Knepper, Kenton & Sikes, Rex Steven
Wonder Wizards
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First, I would like to say that Wonder Readings delivered what it said it would. Now I would like to say that I find other books in my collection both more accessable and reasonably priced. I studied Wonder Readings for a good while and it has some deep stuff in it. I would think of it as more of an analysis of advanced cold reading techniques instead of a method. I am glad that I bought it but that is only because of my personal need to satisfy my curiousity. I do not feel that this is a good "Cold Reading" method. It belongs on my shelf because I am also a collector. Basic books on Astrology and Palm Reading can offer so much more to understanding "Cold Reading" or Dewey's Formula Reading which uses feed-back, that's good stuff, this book is really for someone who is very experienced at giving readings. The tapes are great! Not recommended for apprentices. Look for "The Classic Reading", "Something from Nothing" Stagnaro, and Richard Webster's books. Sorry to fans of Kenton, this was way over-priced.